I’ve found even more great apps custom designed for the iPad. These are apps I plan on installing or would recommend for your new iPad. This time I’ve added links directly to the App Store so if you’re on your iPad, you can just click to bring you right to the app. unfortunately I haven’t found a nice button for the iPad App Store yet so you’ll have to use the iPhone one for now :(
Things ($19.99)
This is the task management app I use on my iPhone and my Mac. Now, having it for my iPad I will be able to stop carrying around a clipboard. I mostly just use the iPhone app for adding tasks when I’m mobile because there’s just not enough screen size to see the full task name. A recent update to the iPhone app did allow for landscape view which helped.
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HTML Edit ($6.99)
I’ve never used this before on my iPhone but it looks pretty useful. It lets you login to your webpages and connect to them via FTP. Then you can download the page’s HTML and edit it. Then upload it back up to your server.
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The Wall Street Journal (Free)
I’ve never really read this before but with a bigger screen it might be more enjoyable.
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At Bat 2010 ($14.99)
This app has some awesome features like viewing live stats from a live game!
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ABC Player (Free)
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NBA Game Time Courtside
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I’m interested to see some of the games that will be available on the iPad. It would be a waste if they don’t try and take advantage of the screen. I think I’m going to hold off on getting one until the 3G version is out.
I’m tired of hearing about the iPad.
and I’m REALLY tired of scrolling for 6 miles through my RSS feed reader at these superlong posts. No way you guys could put a condensed version of the posts in the RSS feed with a link to click through to the website for those that are interested in seeing the whole thing? I’m thisclose to removing this site from my reader if this is what I have to look forward to.
If you’re tired about hearing about the iPad then I would go ahead and remove us from your RSS reader. We’re going to cover the iPad too. It runs similar software and apps and, by a vote from readers, they want to hear about iPads.
We allow the full post in our RSS feed, again due to feedback from readers. We used to break the article and you would have to come to our site to read the rest. I would be open to switching it back if there were enough complaints but as of now, you’re the first to complain and we did it a LONG time ago.
I will look into how the rss formats the layout of the pictures. I’m not sure if I can change that as our RSS goes through feedburner but I’ve never checked so we’ll see.
FYI, I just noticed the page displays a lot differently on the RSS feed than it does here. Each one of those pictures is on a separate line making the post go on for waaaay longer than it does here on the page.
Hi Douglas,
Thanks for writing about HTML Edit. We’re hoping it will be a big hit, but we know there is a lot of work to do.
We’re hoping for some testers, if you email me and follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/html_edit , I’ll send you a code to download HTML Edit for free.
Thanks Again!!
This is an artlice that makes you think “never thought of that!”