I have referred people to this app before but, I have never done an actual review of it…until now! iCountDown allows you to create four countdown timers. So, lets say you are getting married in June, you can enter in your wedding date and it will tell you how many months, days, hours, minute and seconds until you get married…or if you are having a baby, or your anniversary, or your mom’s birthday – you get the point! This app is available in the Installer.app through the Ste Packaging source. The app opens to a default countdown. To add your own countdown, tap on the plus button in the upper right corner. From here you can enter the title for the countdown, the date it is going to occur, the time is will occur and how you would like the countdown displayed. The choices on how it displays are Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds, Seconds Only, Moons(months):Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds. Once you have entered all of the information you can tap Back in the upper left corner to add it to the main list of countdowns. You can only add four countdowns total. To edit a countdown you have already created [Read more…]