Rackspace Cloud 1.0 for iPhone

Coming Soon: App Store       Price: ??  

Rackspace CloudFor those of you who may not have noticed, our host has changed it’s name from Mosso to The Rackspace Cloud. Really, Mosso was always a company running via Rackspace. You can read more about the name change here.

Now, for the iPhone related news. The Rackspace Cloud has recently announced they are releasing API’s. This gives developers the tools and info to create apps that interact with the cloud. Someone has already started developing an iPhone app. Not a lot of details were given, but a lot of screenshots were. Check out the screenshots below. The developer states in the comments on his blog that, “The plan is to submit it this week. It’s currently in the hands of a few people at Rackspace to test and verify functionality.” [Read more…]

A Man, an iPhone, and the Cloud

Grid Today

As I said in our video podcast, we recently did a case study with Mosso, our hosting provider. This in turn spawns interviews with news and blogs. Grid Today is a website all about the type of hosting that Mosso provides. Derrick Harris recently interviewed us and published the following article as a result.

In some ways, it is the story of the American dream: husband and wife from a small Iowa town embark on a project as a hobby; project slowly builds a following; and, before you know it, the project becomes the most popular entity in its niche, turning a side project into a profitable business. [Read more…]