I love the update to iZoo 1.2!! Actually, this post would have been out much sooner if I wasn’t COMPLETELY ADDICTED to this game! The first time you open iZoo after you update, you will get a pop-up asking you to enter you name…this is so it can be used for the High Score feature (which is also new!). When you have entered the name you would like to use just tap Play On. Once the app opens you will notice two little icons in the timer bar…those are hints. If you are stuck and would like a hit…just tap on one of the little eye glass icons and it will put a red box around the piece that can be used. But, make sure you look quickly because the box shows up and then disappears a few seconds later! Another cool new feature occurs once you have made a match…the number of points you received for each match will kind of float up the play screen. There are also a few new features that will randomly show up such as a little eye glass icon among your pieces…if you tap on it, it will add an additional hint to the number of hints you have! There is also a white sparkle that will show up on one of your pieces…when you make a match that includes the piece with the sparkle, you will get bonus points. If you run out of time…you are given a pop-up with the choice to continue playing or to submit your score to the high score list. If you decide to submit your score, you will be brought to an online score log showing you the top 20 scores and then where your score is among the rest. I also noticed that the donation request has been removed along with a few of the themes…instead of the four previous options, you are now given the option to choose between Garfield Bejewled Mod and the Zoo Keeper Original theme. Overall…a seriously sweet app!! iZoo is available in the Installer.app through the iPod Touch Fans source. Below are the screenshots:

Hello,i am from Germany and
sorry for my bad English!This iZoo works with 1.1.3???
Have you more Information?
Bye Conny
iZoo does work with 1.1.3
How about 1.02, does it works?
I’m with you Brooke. This is one of the best games i’ve seen for iphone. I can’t stop playing it! And it seems that certain pieces start shining when you make a match while stuff is still moving around after a previous match. Still trying to figure out exactly how that works though. Super fun though! Thanks for the info about this app!
Thank you! This is a good Information!
I am just sad they got rid of the Sunseeker Theme. It was like Zuma and Bejeweled combined, and made me happy, hehe.
@Rosa…I’m not sure, we run 1.1.1 and 1.1.3.
@wes…no problem!
@Jonathan…I’m sorry!! It is still a really fun game!
I come from Taiwan
sorry, My English is not good
How about install this game. because I do not find the game in my source.
who can tell me how to find
@Gavin…you did a great job with your English. iZoo is in the iPod Touch Fans source. Just add this url to your Installer – http://www.touchrepo.com/repo.xml
Let me know if you have any questions.
I had the same problem with Gavin… and thank you for the information Brooke !!! (Im very new to this as I just got my iPhone today!)
I had a problem to find this game. I already added the ipod touch fans source. But i can’t find the izoo game. Where can i find this game?
I had a problem ti register my record in the top 20 of izoo on web, since the last 2 weeks. why? and, second problem, when I make more than 1 million score, the video stops at 999.999, but when the game finished, I can read my real score.
help me!!!!!!!!!