I went into this game thinking it was going to be very similar to iZoo…well, I was wrong and now I have a hard time playing it because I’m soo addicted to iZoo and this game looks so much like it but it is played slightly differently!! The app opens to a loading page and then a page in which you need to tap Play to get into the game. From there you have five options…Classic Games which brings you to the game, Trophy Room which doesn’t do anything, HighScores which is blank, Quit and Options (I have a feeling we will see these options in future update). In the options menu to have the choice to turn on/off the sound, view the Credits which is blank and Done. Once you are ready to play…tap Classic Game. This will bring you to the play screen. The object of the game is to form groups of three of the same color little fuzzy guys. They can be in matched horizontal or vertically they can even be two in a row and then one on the side….they cannot be in a group diagonally. When you move a fuzzy guys…the whole row moves with it and you can move it as far as you need to…not just one place. Honestly, the way it plays kind of reminds me of a Rubik’s Cube!! Does anyone else think that?? Each time you make a group of three your score will go up and the yellow bar at the bottom will move further to the right. You beat a level by getting enough points to move the yellow bar all the way to the right. There are a few little fuzzy guys that you can get that are different. If you get one that has a little white circle around it and it gets put in a match you will get extra points, if you get a lock around one of the little fuzzy guys then you can not move any of the rows that have that one in it and you can also get a rainbow colored fuzzy guys but I’m not really sure what it does! :) You can also tap the menu button in the lower left corner to get back to the Options or the Main Menu. Overall…I think it is a pretty fun game. All it needs now is a hint option and the ability to quit and submit your score. Chuzzle is avialable through the iPhone Cake source . Below are the screenshots:

popcap games posted a cease and dissist at iphoneskinning for this game
just giving fair warning
What does that mean…like he put it in his source without asking them first?
I just spoke to the developer of the original source for this app and you were right…I needed to change the source info I had for it…I changed it to iPhone Cake, they are the original source to release this app. Thanks for the warning, we totally got it taken care of!!
It means that if you post any images of games they own copyrights to such as Chuzzle, Zuma and Bejeweled, they are prepared to take legal action. These games infringe on their copyrights, PopCap’s words not mine. I had to take the images off my site.
help..i cant find this game,what should i do to get thisgame on my iphone
oh.. and i have dwnload the source..iappcat.com
but all the package like text twist/pac man..shows ERROR package dwnload failed.
PLS help.
thank you
hi, i im in love with this game, i had it on my 1.1.3 jailbroken iphone but i upgraded to 2.0.2 now and cant seem to find it anywhere…i installed the phonecake repo but still isnt in cydia…please help, i want this game bad…thx
me too…. lemme know if anyone finds it
I had Chuzzle on my 1.1.4 I do not have it on 2.1..The game is very addicting. But…Every version I was able to find and play was frustrating because once you get over 30,000 the game says Level Up and then the game crashes.
I was searching for chuzzle and found this forum, I just looked and there is a Ball! -Pro version and it plays just like chuzzle, it has the big ball and exploding balls too!!
Chuzzle is the One and only Best iPhone Game! I Love it
At least some bloggers can still write. Thanks for this blog..
That’s an all around incredibly written post…
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