MPG is an extensive app that allows you to keep track of a variety of expenses for your vehicles. Everything from fuel economy to services done to trip information….and it can keep track of all of this on more than one vehicle. The app opens to a blank menu screen where your Vehicles will be listed. To add a vehicle tap the plus button in the lower left corner. This will bring up a ton of info you can add about the vehicle including; the Title for that vehicle, the icon you want for the vehicle, the units of measurement you use (miles-gal), odometer, VIN number, License Plate number, Engine Size, Tire Size, Notes and Delete Vehicle. Once you have all the information entered…you can tap Back in the upper left corner. You will now see your vehicle in the list. You can delete a vehicle by selecting Edit in the upper right corner. There is also a Preferences button in the upper right corner where you can get more info about MPG, get help with the app, register the app, change the fillup decimal places and set the alarm.
To enter info for a vehicle…just tap the arrow to the right of that vehicle. Here you will see three options on the lower menu bar; Fuel, Service and Trip. When you select an option it will bring up a screen where you can enter all of the details for that expense. Once you have all the information entered and have tapped the Back button…you will see it has been added to a list of all the expenses for that vehicle. In order for it to calculate your mpg (miles per gallon)…you will have to have at least two entries in the fuel section. There is a lot of details in this app that you only can understand by using it…so, give it a shot and let me know what you think of it! If you have any questions…hit up the comments section. MPG is available through the Ste Packaging source. Below are the screenshots.

WOW that price is a bit steep.
And it doesn’t sync the info to a PC or MAC???
Nice app but I think I’ll pass on sending my check to them for now.
You can use the app without registering it. I think it costs $19.95 to register the app but, I didn’t see anywhere where it listed the differences between a registered and a unregistered version.
i noticed that it is already updated.
the only thing i noticed was a different, now fuel pump, logo.
have a great day!
Yeah, there were a few other changes too…I am hoping to get a post up about it later tonight.
Οικονομία Καυσίμων – Καθαρότερο περιβάλλον – Έξτρα Εισόδημα!
Are you planning to update this to 2.x (2.1 now) iPhone FW? I delayed upgrading my phone (from 1.1.4) waiting for my essential apps to come. Couldn’t wait any longer …. now I miss MPG.
If no update is planned, can you please tell me how to extract the transaction database? Would hate to loose all those fill-ups.