Time4SMS is an application that allows you to send Text messages at a specific time. I have actually been testing this application for a few days through the developer’s source (it was released today in the iSpazio source). It’s previous title was SMSCron so, you will notice that all my screenshots have that title instead of Time4SMS – there have been no changes to the app so, I did not retake the screenshots. Here is how it works, you can create a text that says, “Hunny don’t forget to pick up milk on your way home.” and set it to send them the text just before they come home from work.
When you open the application, you will get the main screen where there are two options; About and a + icon. When you select the + icon, you are brought to a screen where you will enter all the information including; the Contact, the Date and Time you would like the text sent and the Text Message. When you tap on contact, you will be brought to your contact list, where you can can choose would you would like to send the text to. The only downfall is that you cannot manually enter a number so, the person has to be in your contact list.
When you tap on Date, you will get a scroll wheel where you can choose and date and time you would like the text message sent. It will automatically start on today’s date and current time. Once you have the chosen the date and time, select Done. You can now tap on SMS Text and enter your text message. Once you are finished, select Save in the upper right corner. Back on the main screen, if you have everything the way you want it, you can select Save. It will then be added to the list of saved text messages. If you want to make a change to the text, you can select Edit.
However, I can not get this application to work for me!! I have tried everything I can think of in the last two days to get it to work…Restarting, Uninstalling and Reinstalling, changing the time, changing the phone number set-up…etc. I just can’t get it to work and I’m totally bummed because I was really excited about this application. I have emailed one of our viewers who says the application works for him. I’m wondering if it is a country issue like it only works with phone number in a certain country. Let me know in the comments if it is working for you…I really want to get this one working! Time4SMS is available through the iSpazio source.
this app isn’t perfect.
My time is 1200, auto SMS at 1210 and I put to sleep.
1220 nothing happen when I slide to wake.
Afew sec, the app start to send SMS.
I believe this app will only work if iPhone not in sleep mode, it doesnt make sense at all.
Need improvement to make the application run under sleep mode.
Use iAwake in this case….
Hi Brooke,
I’m still trying if it works for me, but I really love the theme you used for the screenshots. Can you tell me where to get it? And the name of course…
You can get it from installer, it’s called [b]Reveal[/b] I thinks its from the iSpazio source
That is correct, Reveal from iSpazio. You will want to turn off the icon and dock labels…I just left mine on so you could see the label for the Time4SMS icon.
Hi Brooke,
I am in Spain and it works!!!
Man!!! Maybe it is country thing…maybe it only works with certain layouts of phone numbers.
Scheduled SMS ! Something that was in my Top Priority List !!!!
Ok guys (and ladies) I spoke to the developer who told me that when the iPhone is in Standby it opens up to check for e-mails every 15 min or so. That is why the timing isnt Perfect.
Works perfectly for me!!!!!!
I was looking for something like this!
Cool program!
Wanted to remind that like fring this also is an israeli development.
Well, i’ve tried to make it work, it doesn’t.
Total crap if you ask me.
work perfect!!!!
very good aplication!!
waiting for this!
ok… it didn’t work for me in the beginning. but now i can get it worked!!!
SSH to your phone, under /var/mobile/TimeForSMS, chmod from 755 to 777. it works perfect for me now.
am now 1.1.3, jb with ziphone.
I got it to work by uninstalling the time4SMS-app, then SSH into the phone and delete both the time4SMS- and cronSMS-folders in “var/mobile/library”.
Then installing time4SMS again.
Ok I changed the .app permissions to 0777.
.exe is still 0755, but it still inst working for me.
Anyone find a way to get this to work?
I like the option and now hope to find a way to use it.
nop… you do not change the application file, but the file under /var/mobile. change the folder Time4SMS to 0777. hope this helps.
I can’t get it to work tryed for hours please help someone
Hay guys it’s not working
Hi guys
Version 0.6.6 just came out, and it now works on *All* iphones !
Check it out :)
hmm I have been using the program for quite some time and love it.. anyone figure out how to delete already sent messages? my screen is getting pretty full
the message gets sent but with a lot of delay..
but sometimes it shows “sent” but actually it is not…has it happened to anyone else???
I have installed time4sms on my 1.1.4 iPhone and it works great.
Now I upgraded to 2.1 and I still looking for time4sms for 2.1
I can’t install this app, I tried installer and Cydia but can’t be installed I have an iPhone 3g running 2.1 JBd with Quickpwn, please let me know where and how to install this app please
They need to have this application available for version 2.x the soonest!
So far it’s just for 1.1.x.
I love this application when I had 1.1.4 before. Worked pretty efficiently, but not when my iphone’s on sleep mode.
Btw, for current users of this application, PLEASE CHECK YOUR BILL regularly. Once, I scheduled an sms to be sent to my friend thru this app, then I found out my network is charging me 7 texts for that specific minute(time)!! Because there were 7 “attempts” to send the message. Anyway, just be mindful.
time4sms. . . How I miss u so!
So… anyone knok if we have some thing like this for 3GS or OS 3x?