iPhone Development Central

SDK iPhone Development Central is a website devoted to making developing on Apple’s SDK possible for everyone. They do so though SDK development video tutorials.

” We offer FREE home-made tutorials made by people just like you who have the same goal as we do – to share as much information about developing for the iPhone SDK as possible. iPhoneDevCentral.org is the connecting link between developers’ questions about the iPhone SDK and the answers.”

They offer a variety of tutorials ranging from Beginner to Advanced. Each level has a brief description making it easy to know exactly where you fit. The videos average between 10-20 minutes in length (though some are shorter and many are longer), they include a short description of the video, the author of the video, the length of the video and what the video has been rated by viewers. For even more help, there is the ability to comment on the videos and a forum. Below are the descriptions of the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. For more info and to see the free SDK video tutorials check out iPhone Development Central ‘s website.

We recommend this section if you have:
    • Little or no knowledge of Objective C and/or Cocoa
    • Little or no knowledge of the basic syntax for Objective C and/or Cocoa
    • Little or no knowledge of classes, pointers, functions, methods, loops etc.
    • Little or no experience with Xcode
    • Little or no experience developing on the MAC applications

We recommend this section if you have:
    • General knowledge of Objective C and/or Cocoa
    • General knowledge of the basic syntax for Objective C and/or Cocoa
    • A good understanding of classes, pointers, functions, methods, loops etc.
    • Experience with Xcode
    • Experience developing on the MAC applications

We recommend this section to those who:
    • Have a full understanding of the tutorials offered in the Beginner and Intermediate levels.

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  1. This is a great idea! I just wish I had a mac. I’m going to do a bit of googling and figure out how to get the SDK on pc. Thanks for posting this!

  2. I personally think their beginner videos still require some coding knowledge. I have none and watched the Hello World tutorial. The guy suddenly starts writing some code without telling you what he’s writing and there’s no way to find out what’s written there. For a tutorial that’s advertised as “your first iPhone add” without need of coding knowledge, you end up stuck in the middle with no way to finish it. If at least they wrote the code somewhere on the web page…

  3. Hey! Stop copying stuff from iPhone Freakz.com

    I am the one who told Multinova about this !!!