BossPrefs Autolock 2.0

BossPrefs Autolock adds an Autolock toggle into the BossPrefs application. If you toggle Autolock on, it will automatically lock your iPhone after one minute of not being used. If you toggle the Autolock option off, it will completely turn off autolock making your iPhone stay awake. You can still manually lock your iPhone by quickly pressing the Power button on your iPhone but, it will not lock automatically when the Autolock option is toggled off.

I have found that you can overwrite the BossPrefs Autolock using the stock autolock option in Settings/General/Auto-Lock. So, if you toggle the Autolock feature in BossPrefs on and your iPhone is autolocking after one minute, you can go into your stock Auto-Lock feature and change it to autolock after 3 minutes and it will overwrite the BossPrefs setting and autolock every 3 minutes. However, if you go back into BossPrefs and toggle Autolock off, it will overwrite the stock setting and turn autolock completely off. So basically, which ever autolock feature you use last (Stock or in BossPrefs) it will overwrite the other. Which is good I guess. For those of you who use BossPrefs a lot, this might be a nice addition for you! When you install BossPrefs Autolock, it will not add an icon to your SpringBoard…it is added directly into the BossPrefs application. BossPrefs Autolock is available through the iSpazio source.

Note: You will need to install BossPrefs, via the BigBoss source, in order to use this application.

BossPrefs Autolock 2.0BossPrefs Autolock 2.0

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  1. Didn’t work for me.

  2. Me either. I got a main execution script failure.

  3. I thought your supposed to have autolock off as when your downling a package in installer it will lock and disturb the process

  4. work for me! nice feature! thanks

  5. Works perfect for me…No problems.

  6. Whats the sense, am I missing something here?
    What would this be used for, in what situation?

  7. I think it’s supposed to be an easier way to turn off the auto-lock feature…Well, that’s what I use it for :-D

  8. works great as usual. This works great with idimmlight docked. Many times when I don’t want lock to go on without having to go all the way to settings to do it. Thanks

  9. Its used for SSH. When your phone just sits there during your SSH session it autolocks and then your session dies on the computer. So with this new mod we dont have to work about continually tapping the a screen to keep the phone awake so the connection with SSH stays alive.

    • Try Insomnia, it’s easier on the battery (let you turn off the screen and keep the SSH session connected)

  10. I downloaded this but hated how it was limited to 1 minute.

    SSH into your phone, go to /Applications/ , open in a simple text program (notepad on a PC), you’ll see the number 60 in the middle of the file. Change that to however many seconds you want your phone to remain active before it autolocks. Save that (WITHOUT text formatting, mac people), and it will work the next time you switch autolock to on.

    Note, I did not try a number that isn’t a factor of 60. Experiment at your own risk.

  11. I can’t find this in either Cydia or Installer. I’ve checked that the iSpazio sources are defined too. Any ideas?