Available In: App Store | Price: $9.99 |
Watch “Enigmo 1.0” from your iPhone or iPod Touch
Learn how to use, hack and mod the Apple iPhone, iPad & iPod touch
Available In: App Store | Price: $9.99 |
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This app is similar to erica’s audio recognition app. My buddy downloaded this app and hasn’t stop using it. He loves it and it picks up songs pretty well…well know songs, no underground bands and so on. Overall download it and use it….its free and worth it
Enigmo? No. Enigmo is a game, not a utility
Agreed, this is a game, you must be thinking of a different app.
your right my bad. I was thinking on midomi. Def check out midomi then.
Thanks for correcting me.
I trade this app with super monkey ball.
i have SMB..wanna trade?
actually i have the SMB, and i wanted to trade with someone who has the enigmo
Hey I got enigmo. Will trade for SMB or Crash bandicoot
my email is arman_shan12@yahoo.com
send me ur email and i’ll send u the SMB
Nice I think I will buy…Doug how do I get the IphoneSchool Icon install on my Iphone??
just visit appleiphoneschool.com on your iPhone and then tap the plus sign at the bottom of your safari browser. You’ll see add to home screen. Wait for the icon to load, change the title to whatever you want, and enjoy!
oh yeh thank you
best game hands down! Level 16 now, only thing holding me back is pack of play time.
Your network just shows “Searching…”. Is your 2.0 unlocked.. ?
BTW, Nice game, but expensive !
We upgraded it to 2.0 when it was activated, then bought new iPhone 3Gs and so it is deactivated still on 2.0. We use this one to dump all the apps we can on so we can test them without crashing out personal iPhones all the time…
Thats good.
Video dont work with firefox 3
It does work. Check if you have the latest version of Firefox 3 and Adobe Flash extensions installed correctly.
Hmm, I just watched it on Firefox 3. on a Mac. Worked great.
Which reminds me, do Doug or Brooke ever take a day off? It looks like there has been posts most every day for weeks and weeks.
Doug and Brooke are rock stars. ;-) Vacations are for the weak.
nice game, much better than super monkey! “i am a sega fan anyways”
Thanks for the great info. I hope you’ll follow this with some more great content.
Great game. Really well implemented and requires a lot of thought. One thing I must say is that the menu looks really bad and old fashioned, not fitting for iphone. It is not slick as some other apps are, but that is my opinion.
that’s how they did it on the MacOS versions of the game…
Speaking of which, get Enigmo2 if you have a Mac. >_>
Anyone know why trism isnt showing up in the app store
Is it worth $10?
I agree, Yes!
most definitely. you will become so addicted, and get so mad when you cant go any further, and then be so happy when you get past those really tough levels
YES! Worth more!
it is, but it costs $1.99 when it first came out it was $7.99 though
Do you have to be on WiFi to play this?
Wow this game looks amazing, i think i will buy it
ahhh i cant get past level 12. its killing me, this game rocks though.
Yeah, Level 12 is a killer…. I would really use more tools than what is available lol
I am on level 43 right now
yeah i just wasnt thinking on that level 12, im on level 64 now, its sweet. my gf hates the constant water droplets making that sound, haha.
Level 64? How? The game only has 50 levels.
I just beat Enigmo!!!! 50 levels!! Wow! The last few levels were stressful! Here is a pic to prove it.
will somebody share this app with me. i will give u super monkey ball.
Best game in the App Store! AWESOME! I am on level 36 right now. I hope they will add some more levels because I plan on finishing the last 14 levels tomorrow. Has anyone heard if they plan on adding (updating) more levels?
There website/support page says:
YES!! We are currently working on an update that will allow you to download more game files to your iPhone. There are currently many custom game files available for the Mac version of Enigmo, so most of these will be available for the iPhone version. ”
There are hundreds of levels to download right now for the Mac version. I hope they update it soon!
wahhh i dont want to buy it!!! i wish it was like duplicated or something and put into installer