In this video I jailbreak and unlock a 1st Gen iPhone with 2.0 firmware using WinPwn 2.0.
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In this video I jailbreak and unlock a 1st Gen iPhone with 2.0 firmware using WinPwn 2.0.
You can download it here:
[…] did this by using the instructions from It’s realy not that hard, when I have some more time I’ll post some […]
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Mmmm, Seeing that error bootneuter showed I’m still not too convinced in using winpwn.
100% agree. That error scares me at this point. Worse possible scenerio, iphone jailbroken, unlock runs into problems. I will wait a little bit longer.. Again, no rush… no installer yet.
EXCELLENT iPhone 2.0 works
Ignore the bootneuter ERRoR happened 2 me fink it might be a buggy bootneuter becuase i have unlocked it twice and it happened twice. enjoy it wonderful software thankz 2 dev team and apple iphone school 4 video!!
How can you be sure that your phone was unlocked? There was an error flashing the baseband, and you only tested it with an AT&T SIM.
Because it didn’t work before with that SIM.
Doug, can you get your hands on a T-mobile sim and stick it in there for us? Also Can you tell us if the Wifi is working? You didnt seem to be to interested in that. Ive heard Wifi is having issues
Wifi is definatly working, this is how we have installed stuff since then. Does T-Mobile have a card I can get without signing a contract? If so, we’ll try it out!
get a pay as you go phone and take out the sim
You can walk in any T-mobile store and ask for one. They dont mind handing them out at no cost.
hey thank u sooo much
from last 5 days i was trying to use winpwn but was not able to jailbreak and unlock my iphone but with this video it made it possible i really appreaciate ur efforts and m so thankful to u
thanx mate
I’m on T-Mobile, and following Doug’s video i was able to unlock, and jailbreak my Iphone. Everything works perfectly.
got 1st gen iphone on 2.0 with tmo wifi works as does the app store had a couple problems but all around its workn gd
No iPhone link?
Sorry, Revver wasn’t cooperating. Not sure if Vimeo has a quicktime link…
hi douglas, i have an iphone8gb 1st gen update to 2.0 and pwned with 2.0.1, everything works perfect but the wifi doesnt work in my house, and in my office yes, what sould i do? i already change the 2 DNS options you give in other post ( … etc) and the phone recognize de router, do the connection and show full signal bars but doesn’t work, i want to know if is a comun problem between the pwnage 2.0.1 users, and it could be corrected in the next version of pwnage
Thanks for the help and… sorry for my very bad english
Hi Douglas! Excellent description! I followed every step by step instructions and every thing is working perfect….1st Generation iPhone unlocked (For a friend), Wifi-Working, Sim working (T-Mobile) CYDIA installed….I love also transformed my 3g iphone as well and everything is 100% AWESOME!!! many Thanks!
This is great to hear! Thanks for letting us know!
same here! 2G & 3G… 2G jaibreak & unlock, 3G jailbreak! No problems everything working perfect!!!! Happy customer! Lolz
the reason the search online wasn’t available was because it failed to load custom images. Sometimes that happens. It also failed to load custom payloads…Its shown in the WinPwn output thingy screen
does this support fake activation(changing imei)???????
Douglas, so far this is the best unlocking video tutorial i have ever seen! thank you for taking the time to do such an excellent one. :)
Thanks, It would have been better if the screen capture program would have worked better. We’re trying to figure out how to do screen capture on the computer better.
you can use fraps
how hard is it for the developers to update the installer apps? how long do you think it will be before we start seeing installer and a bunch of apps ready? weeks? months? Also, what happens if a 2.1 firmware is released? would that be a bump in th road, or would everyone have to start over from scratch? so excited! I feel like a kid before christmas!
I’d say around a month from when the jailbreak was released. That’s a guess based on the past. I’m sure some developers have moved to the app store so you probably won’t see any support from them for Installer.
As for 2.1, This will probably put a bump in the road. I’m hearing even current App Store apps may need some re-writing, but we’ll see.
Hey thanks for the video instructions. Watching someone doing the procedure step by step is so much better than reading it. I have and iPod Touch on jailbroken 1.1.4 and an iPhone 3G. I’m sticking to 1.1.4 on my ipod for now cause I have a few apps on there that I can’t get on 2.0. But have you any updates on the unlocking option on the 3G? Will it be an update for winpwn 2.0? Cause that’s what I’m really waiting for. Thanks again.
Hey Doug, first of all thank you for this video!!! I’ve followed the instructions step by step and I’ve my 2G iPhone running Iphone firmware 2.0 now, but I also got the same Bootneuter Error so I would like to know how bad is that or what does that means, I haven’t had the chance to fully test my iPhone because right now I am restoring my info. Any further information about this will be really appreaciated. Thank you!!!
You are mean.Take a look at the date on the screen of the iphone.
9.11 AM!!!
I noticed under the Advanced tab that you had Autodelete Bootneuter app checked, that is why Bootneuter had gone. Also if I try this will it be best to restore in iTunes to 2.0 (I’m on 1.1.4 and my iPhone is fake activated) or will I just go straight for restoring with the custom 2.0 FW.
I’d like to know that too, will I keep my notes and sms btw? I have them backed up with TimeCapsule, but that’s on 1.1.4…?
And another thing why not choose to upgrade BL to 4.6? And what does the Wipe option mean?
Sorry for all these questions, but I don’t want to regret anything :p
I would like to know these answers too. I have a 2G that is on 1.14 and a 3G that I am going to keep stock.
I will then use my 2G to mess around with. It is my backup phone now, but want to make sure that I don’t destroy it in any way.
Forgot to ask one questions though. If I pwnage iTunes with this… can I still use iTunes with my stock 3G phone with no problems or worries?
Well I couldn’t wait any longer so I did it :p I just upgraded from 1.1.4 to the custom 2.0 with only 1 problem that I couldn’t do the YouTube fix, it gave an error every time when building ispw :s
About the BL, I did upgrade to 4.6, but it flashed automatically to 3.9 :p best thing is that iTunes restored all my info! All my sms, notes,…
I have an iPod Touch 2.0 and I am running the latest version of winpwn ( I have built the custom firmware and pwned iTunes fine.When I hold shift and click Restore and choose the firmware everything goes fine. It extracts the software fine but then when its preparing for restore unkown error 6 occurs. Any ideas. My iPod is in recovery mode. I put it into DFU and it had the connect to iTunes logo on it.
Help would be greatly appriciated!
Are u using iTunes 7.7?
All has been resolved. Turns out I wasn’t putting it into DFU mode only recovery mode. I thought they were the same thing! I am writing this from mi jailbroken iPod touch!
hey doug how do u get an 3g iphone without it being under contract and my next question is what other providers offer 3g network
In the US? You can’t get one without contract. And there are no other providers in the US than AT&T.
Help… When I get to the Advanced stage, it says my bootloader files are both missing. I tried to download then to my desktop and for some reason they are not being recognized… What do I do?
can i restore from backup after i pwn it and use it on tmobile? or is it bad to restore from backup?
Hi Doug,
Thank you for your video demo. I would love to try WinPwn. But before pushing through, I would like to know if this will work with my 1st gen iPhone, 8G, jailbroke and unlocked to 1.1.4FW using ZiPhone 2.5. So as of now, I still don’t have my custom ipsw and have not pwned my iPhone. How should I proceed with this? Thanks for the help Doug. Appreciate appleiphoneschool very much!
I’m in the same boat Doug, ziphoned 1.1.4. Whats the first step to get me on the pwned road? Or do i just follow your instructional vid? Tnx in advance for any help ;-)
I own an 1st generation iPhone running jailbroken 1.1.4 (windows), do i follow the same steps as the video?
Thanks for the help, its a great site you’ve got here.
Whenever I try to create the custom firmware it says failed to create custom ipsw.
Any ideas?
I have same problem. I try everything – Winpwn – 3. but on every I can not create custom ipsw. Always is Failed. Can someone tell why and what to do? Please.
same here:(
I did everything I was supposed to do but it is still locked. Can any one tell me what to do?
yeah fail to create custom ipsw. having the same problem. with winpwn RC1
hey guys !
i found the solution.
i had msg saying fail to create custom ipsw. because i had 7.6 itune.
i just updated to 7.7. itune and tryed. it worked.
it made a custom firmware. so try to update itune to 7.7. and try it.
Good luck~
nevermind. it don’t work – -;;;
i do everything right, i have a 8g, i download the custom firmware off your firmware section, i browse ipsw, click the firmware i downloaded at your site, then create a custom with builder- ipsw, then i click ipwner, open itunes, shift click, click the custom firmware i made with ipsw builder, it extracts, but in the end it says ERROR 6
i have the same ERROR 6 message. everything is updated and done by the book. Has anyone found a way around this?
hey i did everything up untill the point where i put my phone in dfu mode. i try to do the restore & it gives me an unknown error (1403).. can anyone please help me with this?
I had that error 6 once also.. I got that error because I put my phone to dfu mode ( screen was not black.. had that cable and globe on it)
be sure you screen is black when flash your phone (press power button and home button together and keep them pressed 10 seconds then release the power button, but keep home button pressed 10 seconds more, then release it.. your computer should now recognize ipod iphone.. ETC.. )
If you are using Windows then just download Quickpwn and it has its own prompt box that tells you to hit enter when you are ready for the next step….even my 11yr old little cousin know how to do it….
Hi Guys & Gals….hello from singapore :-), currently i am on the 1st gen 2G 8gig iphone and i followed the instructions as stated here but after following it thru everything went great, but only the wifi is not working either at home or at work (both wireless)….the fault i am getting is no network detected. Could anyone advise me what to do here as i am lost for solution. Thank you in advance.