
Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

qik is now available in Cydia. qik allows you to stream live video from your iPhone. Additional features include chatting live with your audience and automatically sending a message to your friends via Twitter and many other services. There’s also a mute button in case you need to hide private information. Here’s a clip from my first stream:

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  1. That is soo cool!!! I see that you’re watching the olympics!!!

  2. This is Awesome!

  3. Really nice!! Everyone’s testing this lol

  4. Really bad quality

  5. Really bad quality though

  6. Im not able to use it. Its asking for authorization code. Did I miss something?

  7. This app is great and even better that it’s free! I’d hardly complain about the quality because it’s LIVE video from your IPHONE. And by iPhone I mean the one that doesn’t even come with a video recorder. These guys came out with 2 great leaps in 1 app. Congrats to the guys over at Qik. I’m out, dude. lol

  8. anyway to save the video? it will become a videorecorder then…

  9. It shows how bad the iphone camera is !!! But cool idea

  10. /me now waits for videorecorder to be upgraded (come on.. what’s taking so long?!?)

  11. How do you get an Authorization Code ??? I have signed up on the web and have an account but no code?? help plz

    • You go to the website and sign up. They send you a text message. With the text message still in your SMS box you restart the Application and it automatically skips that step and authorizes you.

  12. Way to spend your family time on your iPhone.

  13. hmmm …. have done all of the above but still no SMS, how long does it take to come ??

  14. this isnt my day …. I now have recevied the SMS but now the app wont run !!!! when i press the Qik icon, it looks like it is loading but then it just takes me back the the main iphone screen, any ideas ??

  15. thanks for the heads up !

    DLed it and it works great. video quality isnt too bad……..

  16. Awesome!!!!!!! I embeded the player on MySpace and live streaming worked great over wifi. The chat doesn’t work most of the time.

  17. installed qik. iphone rebootet. took at least 2 minutes until it was back.
    immediately uninstalled qik. another reboot.
    what’s going on???

  18. Great idea, things like that ,put us at 21ยบ century…Parabens (congratulations from Brazil)