Poll – What type of applications make up the majority of apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch?

AiS It’s poll time again! The last poll was – What firmware is currently running on your iPhone or iPod Touch? Below are the results based on when we added the poll just over a week ago.

* 1.1.4 and below (15%, 494 Votes)
* 2.x (2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1) (85%, 2,707 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,201

I am on firmware 2.1 (jailbroke using Pwnage…borrowed a Mac to do it!! :) ). It seems that most of you have also upgraded to 2.x as well. Still a feel people holding on to the good old days but, the majority have taken the plunge to the new firmware. I have a feeling some of the 494 still on 1.1.4 and below have unlocked iPhones!!

You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll:

Which type of applications make up the majority of apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch?

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  1. I refuse to upgrade to 2.x until the port over 1Shoot!!!!

  2. iambored8907 says

    why did you need a mac to jailbreak? Quickpwn for 2.1 has been out since day one for windows. Mac users were the one who had to wait

    • For 2.1 the mac got it first, but that’s neither here nor there. And I’m assuming she wanted a more custom jailbreak because she used pwnage and not quickpwn, which I don’t think has a PC counterpart yet.

    • We used a mac because it came out first. Quickpwn for PC was not out since day one.

  3. iambored8907 says

    Quickpwn was available first. Bigboss had a link to it. It wasnt a full new release, it just had the newest compatible bundles. I can assure you it definately was released prior to the mac tools.

    Here is the article that bigboss published September 12 (the day 2.1 was released): http://sleepers.net/news/2008/09/12/21-3g-only-jailbreak/

  4. iambored8907 says

    So yes Brooke as my evidence in the last post proves (it is awaiting moderation), windows users could pwn 2.1 first.

    PS why can I not reply to a reply??

  5. This is misleading… i have more app store apps, but my jailbreak apps i value much more and use more often (intelliscreen, nemus sync, winterboard).

  6. i agree with wes, my appstore apps r more just fun, then actually good.

    • I agree…I actually do have more jailbreak apps then App Store apps on my personal phone. But, the jailbreak apps I definitely use more than the App Store apps!

  7. I have more app store apps. A few games, about 10 apps. From cydia i have only 2 apps IntelliScreen and Winterboard.

  8. you should make a pole to see how many people that view your website actually have their iphone/ipod touch jailbroken on 2.x.
    (unless you already did and i dont remember)

  9. have a poll on the age of people with iPhone that comes to this site