Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
There were a few mods today in Cydia but, I’m only going to point out a few of them. Two themes, one battery mod and one lock screen mod. The two themes Laying on the Grass (via iSpazio) and Black and Teal (via modmyi) are both very unique themes. The battery mod, Battery Colors (via modmyi), is a simple mod of the stock battery that will change the color of your battery based on percentage (red, yellow, green, blue). Finally the lock screen mod, Tinker Bell Lockscreen (via BigBoss), is a very nicely designed lock screen mod including the battery, slider and wallpaper. Below are the screenshots of each mod. Note: all of the mods are activated via WinterBoard.
hmm….the battery screenshot shows the battery lower than usual. that doesnt happen on mine so its not part of the mod….
The Laying on the Grass theme is really nice, but needs way more icons. The mods on these icons are really simple too, just a few strokes with the ereaser brush i photoshop basically.. Go for it mr Laying on the Grass-author! :)
The Tinkerbell Lockscreen is very nice but the after its activated, the original apple theme comes back. How can we activate other themes along with tinkerbell lock screen?
Sarita, did you get this figured out? Are you using another theme in WinterBoard for your icons? You should be able to fix the problem by moving the Tinkerbell Lockscreen above the theme you are using in WinterBoard. I haven’t has any issues with the Tinkerbell Lockscreen mod going back to the stock Apple theme. So, I’m thinking that must be what is wrong. Let me know if you have any questions or if that doesn’t fix it.
No Brooke, even though I move Tinkerbell Lockscreen above the theme I am using it gets back the stock Apple theme.:-(
Its not an issue but I thought it would be great to get my own choice of theme to go with Tinkerbell……….