Stack 2.1 Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

StackI love this app! Stack brings the stack feature from Leopard to your iPhone. If you’ve never heard of Stack, it’s basically a stack of icons in your dock that when tapped, it opens a group of apps. The new features are pretty nice. You can now choose to have your stack in the middle or the bottom right. The center option works well with a 5 icon dock. Just get a blank icon and put it where your stack is. That way the other icons will line up right.

To access the program’s setting you need to go to your Settings app. This is new in this version. If you make changes to its position you’ll have to respring to see the effect (I use SBSettings for that). You can also force the grid view & toggle the stack to be curved or straight although these features aren’t new.

Other features include bug fixes and better appearance. Also the Calendar app works properly showing the date on the icon. If you’re iPhone is jailbroke you should check out this App, I really like it. And don’t forget, the easiest feature is adding or removing icons, just drag and drop!

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  1. so do you have to be on 2.1 for this to work, cause it nothing but safe mode’s my 3g on 2.2…

    • Oh now you scared me. I’m holding off on the update till someone else tells me it works on their 2.2 :-(

  2. Does it slow down the performance of the phone? it seems it would, my phone already has too much app stack looks cool but I am just scare to slow down stuff way too much…!

    • hav no worries! it amazingly remains “inactive” until u tap the stack, so it does not sap processing power!

    • Great, I am gonna give it a try now thanks
      ps: thank you for your great blog ;)

    • Interesting quip. My phone looks good, but is sure as heck slow. Brings me to ask or rather suggest a thread where folk say whats running on their phones…or most commonly used jailbreak apps?

  3. i love the idea. but for me this is where functionality vs. attractiveness cross the line. idk. to me it seems ugly. but if you like it then chill! enjoy! its a great idea. i think it just looks… odd.


  4. Help! I don’t have any setting for Stack anymore. Not even in the Setting app. I have tryed reinstall and reboot. What should I do? Can I somehow get Stack 2.0 back. I’m on 1gen 2.2.

  5. dennis cerrato says

    legal emoji icons for the iphone
    go to itunes tap ‘touch dial emoji”
    work perfect for me
    don’t know this is real o another mistake by apple
    like netshare download fast before is gone

  6. Handsome Rob says

    This app keeps crashing, sending my iPhone to safe mode! I’m also wondering if the author of this app has fixed the bug with mivtones? Everytime someone would call, stack would appear interfering with the video!

  7. You don’t need to respring after you have changed it’s position!!! Just click on the stack and it will change the position without a respring ;).

  8. Elie Romano says

    How does this compare to cydia’s Categories?
    Is it good to the point where it can replace it?
    My main issue with Categories is the loading time to open the group of apps.

    • I agree, categories is quite slow. You cannot put frequently used apps in as it takes so long to actually get open to be able to launch an app.

  9. Does it always sit on top of your other icons in the dock? For example if its set to bottom right it hides my iPod button.

  10. ipodballer says

    Exerion I had the same problem I fixed it by addding a blank icon from cydia. It was titled blank icon 1 in cydia. After installing the blank icon put it in the place you have your stack at. Hope this helps you out.

  11. HELP!! I inst this app I changes the prefs in the now I’m stuck in safe mode and can’t get out! I can’t access the sbsettings dock to get access to the or the cydia app to change anything or even remove it. Can I ssh and remove it that way? Plz help

  12. I installed Stack and now I can’t open my setting… It just jumps back to my springboard a few seconds after I tap Setting icon.
    This is the first time I installed this app. I’m on firmware 2.2, 1G iPhone 8G. Does anybody have any idea what’s causing this problem?

  13. Running At The Mouth says

    Hey, I can’t find stack 2.1 in Cydia and when I try to get the stack 2.0 it gives me an error message. anyone know where I can find stack 2.1? I have the newest version of cydia. Thanks…

    • i had the same problem, you have to unistall the STE source, then go back and install it over agian.

  14. Running At The Mouth says

    what is the source for stack 2.1 in the new version of cydia?

  15. I had the same problem with getting “stuck” in safe mode. Fixed it by deleting the two preference files in the /private/var/mobile/library/preferences/ folder:
    1) com.steventroughtonsmith.stack.plist
    2) com.steventroughtonsmith.stack.entries.plist
    I used Transmit, but you can use whatever you’ve got.
    Hope this helps.

  16. There is no iStack Settings menu in the Settings area oO

  17. my bad….i just saw the posts above :P

  18. I think I’m up the creek on this one. I had my BossPrefs in Stack and obviously had the icon itself turned off so it didn’t show up on my SpringBoard. Unfortunately, I slid my finger too much instead of tapping the BossPrefs icon in Stack and it erased it. Anyone have any ideas on how to get it to show back up WITHOUT uninstalling and reinstalling it (so I loose all my preferences)??

  19. When stack 2.2 come

  20. hae I can’t drag and drop for some reason… how do I do this?