Engadget’s Video Demo of Firmware 3.0

Original Article: Engadget.com

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  1. Michael Wagner says

    Ok, I’m sold! When will it be available!

  2. I am quite looking forward to 3.0 being released :D

  3. seann33uk says

    im guessing its slow and buggy because its the beta version
    so speed and errors will be cleared up between now and june when it comes out to public.

  4. someone who needs help says

    I know this is not where i should ask this question but…Ok just the other day i bought a movie on itunes. i plugged my iphone 3g 16gb black with 2.2.1 firmware AND jailbroken into the computer. My pc gave me an error saying “device not recognized” instead of apple camera detected.
    what should i do? apple wont replace it.

  5. Put iphone in dfu mode and restore it

  6. doug or brooke, is there any chance of us getting a hold of the 3.0 demo before the official release date?

    • how about signing up and paying to be an iphone developer??
      thats what we did. it’s $99 and tbh, not particularly worth it.
      You have to register your device to be used for development and it will be locked into a dev mode so you’ll be on that version until the public release.

  7. Is the reason its buggy is because its a beta version or is it going to be like this when the firmware is released?