Steven Troughton-Smith, the developer of both Stack and Orbit, is now in the process of developing a new multi-tasking application. According to Troughton-Smith, the app basically adds a GUI to what the Backgrounder application already does. There is not a ton of info about the app however, he did post a screenshot and it looks pretty cool.
Developer of Stack and Orbit Now Developing Multi-Tasking App
October 19, 2009 by
[…] Umsetzung des hier vorgestellten Exposé-Konzeptes verantwortlich. Nun arbeitet der Programmierer an einer Multitasking-Lösung für das iPhone und bedient sich erneut der vom Desktop-Mac bekannten Exposé-Ansicht. Viel mehr […]
I can’t wait for this. The “Orbit” app is like the best thing that happened to the iPhone, but this might top that. maybe. ;x I can’t wait for this release .
The iPhone just keeps getting beter and better
This seems cool although I think it would work best on the 3GS and itouch 3rd gen only because of the more memory it has
there is a patch around that forces the iphone/ipod to use the flash memory for quick read/write access. only downside it it can kill your memory. but using it means you can have upto 15 apps offically backgrounded and still have 50-60mb free ram.
Whats the name of the patch?
A *wee* bit ahead of yourselves :-P Didn’t say I was developing an app. Nothing to see here, move along
Ha! :)
Seeing as how well Orbit is doing… I think I would keep developing if I were you! :)
@ Steve – press forward brother! The app looks like a keeper. Orbit is AWESOME work!
You should make it more like the application “cards” in the palm pre!
Cool. I hope he ends up with a variation of the Palm Pre card metaphor. Completely graphical and gesture based.
Yes keep going at developing, the iphone is becoming so so much better, i will be purchasing the orbit app. I use backgrounder as well, its awesome too.
Allow me to show off what I’ve been making: .. should be done by the end of the week.
AMAZING!!!!!!! When is that available?
That looks incredible, finally a way to switch apps without exiting ur current app… Will the app icons have the background like in the screenshots? Or just the icon in the middle
Isn’t this what Kirikae already does?
Where can i donload this
Where can i download this