I noticed an update today to SendSong by Erica Sadun so I decided to give it a try. After a couple attempts to make ringtones I restarted my iPhone and it’s works. It’s main purpose is sending songs via email but it includes the option to create ringtones. In the update Erica adds the ability to send songs to other iPhones running SendSong. This update is also expected to improve reliability.
SendSong Updated
Erica has done another update to SendSong Here are some of the new features and fixes. You can get sendsong from Installer.app or check out her site at ericasadun.com.
– All files copy to the Ringtones folder using their standard 4-letter iTunes labels, both original and spoof files.
– I no longer limit to m4a files. You can copy mp3s as well and spoof them.
– I’ve mimicked all the keys for normal ringtones: GUID, Artist, Album Artist, Album, Genre and Total Time.
– Genre is broken in the on-iPhone music library (a clue?). All songs default to “Soundtracks” in Ringtones.plist.
– I’ve tried making lists of GUIDs that work and do not work but guess what? Sometimes the same GUID works and sometimes it doesn’t, for exactly the same song.
– Be aware that syncing may destroy your Ringtone.plist. A backup gets automatically generated to Ringtone.plist.hold