I thought I would post some screenshots of the progress of Doom over time. It seems it won’t be in the App Store via this developer but will run on 2.0. Besides Wolfenstein 3D, Doom was one of the first games I played on a PC (minus all the GWBASIC games). Now these screenshots come from the work that Steven, developer of Speed, MobileNuker and current developer of Lights Off, and not that of John Carmack and Todd Hollenshead of ID Software who are the original developers of the game, although they would like to get both Doom and Wolfenstein 3D onto the iPhone. They’ve even been heard to be looking for an App Store publisher to work with to get the game out there. Hmm, maybe Steve better give them a call! One way or the other, it is on it’s way! Here’s the screenshots: [Read more…]