App Store Apps that are on Sale

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

Below are a few App Store applications that are currently free. I went through all the apps that were on sale and found the ones that I think are worth installing. I have listed the title of the applications, a descriptions of the apps and a link to the app in the App Store. Get them while you can…most are only free for a limited time.

icon“Playing this game U are forced to use three fingers to accomplish an action (one or two fingers are also supported ;) ). What actions do we have to choose from?… a tap, a double tap, slide, hold and our favorite, rotate action.”

icon“Be a code-breaker, guess the secret code pattern setup in both color and order.”

icon“Rolo is brain challenging, addictive and enjoyable puzzle game…Match the pattern shown on the small image, shifting the rows of colorful Rolo-faces vertically and horizontally.” [Read more…]