There have been quite a few apps released lately that Restart, Lock, Respring and Shutdown your iPhone. So, I thought I would run through some of the differences between them. It can get a little confusing so make sure you read carefully.
Restart/Killboard/Respring/Lock – These applications are one-touch solutions to restarting your SpringBoard. Just tap the application and they will restart your SpringBoard, bringing it to the lockscreen.
RespringBB – A one-touch solution to respring your SpringBoard without bringing it to the lock screen. Just tap the application and it will use the Set Language mode to respring your SpringBoard without going to the lock screen.
Shutdown – A one-touch solution to turning your iPhone completely off. Just tap the application and it will turn off your iPhone. This would be the same as holding down your power button.
iReboot – Allows you to Reboot, Shutdown and Restart your iPhone. Reboot will do a hard restart of your iPhone, bringing it to the boot logo screen. Shutdown will turn your iPhone completely off. Restart will respring your iPhone back to the lock screen. So, iReboot is like combining Restart/Killboard/Respring/Lock and Shutdown and adding a hard restart option which brings it to the boot logo screen.
PowerManager – Allows you to Respring, Lock Respring and Restart. Respring will respring your iPhone without going to the lock screen. Lock Respring will respring your iPhone to the lock screen. Restart will do a hard restart of your iPhone, bringing it to the boot logo screen. So, PowerManager this like combining Restart/Killboard/Respring/Lock and RespringBB and adding a hard restart option which brings it to the boot logo screen.
The only difference between iReboot and PowerManager is that iReboot has a Shutdown option which allows you to turn your iPhone completely off and PowerManger has a Respring option that allows you to respring the SpringBoard without going to the lock screen. Both applications have an option that resprings the SpringBoard to the lock screen and that does a hard restart of the iPhone bringing it to the boot logo screen. So, it is up to you whether you would rather have a shutdown option or a respring option that does not bring you to the lock screen.
i prefer sysinfo over all of those.
The same with me!
Imagine what happens if you accidentally tap on Restart/Killboard/Respring/Lock/Respring BB ??
And it is redundant to have more apps just to do the job of restart, respring,…
These apps are just needed for the ones who broke their Sleep/Awake button.
I use Restart. I like that all I have to do it tap the icon to Respring my iPhone….instead of going into an application and then selecting Respring. I use it A TON!! Especially when I am testing applications and modding my iPhone.
i also like power management
i dig power manager alot
i prefer sysinfo, too. but i will try iReboot
Hey Brooke!
“Reboot will do a hard restart of your iPhone, bringing it to the boot logo screen”
I’m not liking how that “hard” term I just read sounds.
Is this bad for the iPhone in any way??