There have been a few SummerBoard themes released through the Installer in the last few days. Below are xBox 360 via BigBoss, VendingMachine via ModMyiFone and CakeWhite via ModMyiFone (there is also a CakeBlack however, I could not get it to download).

Vending Machine is brilliant! Looking to download it now.
Ahh, finally. Now that MacThemes is on the Modmyifone repo, Brooke will get a taste of real theming.
Where are the iPhone themes on All i see are the OSX ones.
Recently i install cake and personally the black version is better than the white and you can download in the creator page and comes the two version
Hi, im having problems with summerboard… I install it but none of the icons are changing… I want to install the SMB themes fix but i get “main script execution failed”. Its been already 6 days and i cant install it. Sometimes, i got that message but then after trying some more times, it worked but now i cant..
Is there a way to make it work? I was told that the icons are not showing because of a permission issue.. What permissions do i have to give summerboard?
Thanks a lot to anyone that can help me..
is it all of the icons not showing or just a few?
summerboard is a bit fussy about localisations and likes the iPhone to be set to US, I was missing some icons on my UK phone (weather etc.) until I removed the localisation strings from the offending application’s info.plist.
My ~/Library/Summerboard folder is set to (rwx r-x r-x) permissions wise.
I am having the same problem as Brook. It doesn’t download! This theme rocks and hope they fix the download bug soooooon!
I am having the same problem. Cake Black won’t download….This looks pretty nice so I hope they fix the download!
Very nice work but in the Vending Machine Theme is the “Wetter”(german) Icon not working. I donĀ“t know why. The name is right.
Good Work!
Vending machine theme is nice
Does anyone know if they will ever fix the download problem with ‘cake black’?
Is there a place where I can download the empty Vending machine background to use as a normal background for iPhone 4 iOS 4.1 not jailbroken??