More Apps being Ported to 2.0

firmware 2.0 It seems that quite a few developers are busy converting, re-writing and tweaking apps to work on firmware 2.0. Even though we are still waiting for Installer to be ported to 2.0, Cydia is available and continues to have applications added. We know that the developer of some of our favorite apps (moleskine, TimeCapsule, WildEyes…) is working hard on getting the apps ported over to 2.0. BigBoss is also working hard on getting his apps ported to 2.0, below is what he has to say about a few of the apps that have been ported so far.

BossPrefs BossPrefs v2.0.2a (alpha). This is the first working version for 2.0 devices. There will be some issues but the major stuff should work. The airplane / phone toggles are not implemented, the add plugin GUI is not implemented, and there may be some other minor issues. I think double tap home needs some work. The bulk of it works. I put it out immediately because there was no other way to toggle SSH. Wil update it again very soon.

Poof Poof is your app hider. This is also integrated into BossPrefs but, well, Poof was out a couple days earlier. For those that want to hide apps without BossPrefs, this is your app.

NES NES Emulator ported by Nervegas. This was the first app in our 2.0 Cydia repository. Enjoy your old NES games!!

Respring The respring app is ported to 2.0. I used this during my development of poof and BossPrefs to reset the springboard. However, this functionality is now integrated into BossPrefs in the Power button so you can decide if you want it.

Flashlight There are several flashlight apps in appstore right now. However they all suck because Apple would not allow the developers to make the screen brighter. I use the flashlight app, so I wrote this one. It properly brightens the screen when you load it. It also strobes when you tap it.

PowerToolGojonnyboy made a nice reboot/respring/power off app called Power Tool. It existed for 1.1.4 and now has been ported to 2.0.

Metronome has been released. It’s a full featured metronome app made with the SDK but in Cydia for free. Very nice! (Sorry, the icon seems to only be viewable on iPhone).

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  1. MaverickC17 says

    iPhone Video Recorder?

  2. Hidepod!!!!!!!

  3. Jovelster says

    I want Installer .

    • Cydia won’t hurt once you get used to it. I mean having 3rd party apps is what we all want, not the Installer itself.

    • Jovelster says

      I know … i tried cydia but i dont like it… i prefer installer

  4. does anyone got info on customize?

    • Source:

      Customize and Firmware 2.0
      As we all know, the much anticipated 3G iPhone is coming out on Friday, along with Firmware 2.0 and AppStore. There is good news and bad news.
      Bad News
      I have attempted to contact Apple, however, they will not allow Customize to be distributed through the AppStore.
      Good News
      Customize 2.0 will still be available through Installer and Cydia package managers, and will run on firmware 2.0 (I am working on making it compatible now).
      More Good News
      It will still be possible to jailbreak your phone after an upgrade to firmware 2.0. You will be able to use apps from both the AppStore and from Installer/Cydia. This should also apply to 3G Phones. For more information:
      Best, Spicy

    • YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! now theres a point to jailbreak and use installer/sydia. All thats left is: Mxtube,thtouch, band and a few others. That is if someone in the community puts it into 2.0….

  5. MobileScrobbler!!!

    2 – HIDEPOD
    2 – SMARTRSS (all rss apps in the apps store suck!)
    and 5 – AMAZE!

  7. Can you toggle EDGE/GRPS with bossprefs yet?

    Mobilescrobbler is available for free in the app store? Or do you want a version that works in the background?

  8. Bossprefs EDGE doesnt work yet, it looks like it kills your EDGE connection but it still works so BEWARE !!!

  9. Categories would be nice to have again. Too many icons!

  10. the combination + iPhoneHome would be aweseome for those “broken sleep button” people like me.

    but PowerTool does the trick for now (it’s definitely better than hoping nothing goes wrong while waiting for the 1min till auto-lock).

    Anyways, Really happy about 2.0 so far and it keeps getting better

  11. Brogollack says

    Tris!!!!! I like Tris tetris game… i need it! haha…

  12. mxtube… please!!!!!!

  13. just a suggestion. i think you guys should start a section for the apps that are available for 2.0 in cydia. or even just add them to this post as they become available! i love your site, and i look at it at least 4-5 times a day! so a section like that would be awesome!

  14. i want smsd guys plz rply me as u get it on ne repo ……

  15. Please, fui usar o Poof para apagar apenas um icone só que acabei perdendo todos, pois na hora de abrir ou fechar fiz tudo ao contrario, ou seja, só ficou o icone que queria jogar fora, e hoje estou com o iphone sem poder fazer nada, apenas recebendo ligações, pois todos os outros icones estão indisponiveis. Uma coisa de bom foi que ao conectar com o itunes, eles aparecem todos dentro do iphone, porém não tenho mais o acesso pois inclusive o icone boss prefs tbm foi pro saco….existe algo a fazer? desde já agradeço…

  16. HIDEPOD PLZZZZZZzzzzzz!!!!!