No ZiPhone Jailbreak for 2.0?

ZiPhone I was reading Zibri’s blog today and ran across the paragraph below. Does this mean no ZiPhone jailbreak for 2.0? Let me know what you think in the comments.

“Dev team did an impressive team work this time and even if I don’t personally like the tool I see no other way to do things on 2.0. (If I’ll see one I’ll tell you) :)

You can read the full blog article HERE.

More Apps being Ported to 2.0

firmware 2.0 It seems that quite a few developers are busy converting, re-writing and tweaking apps to work on firmware 2.0. Even though we are still waiting for Installer to be ported to 2.0, Cydia is available and continues to have applications added. We know that the developer of some of our favorite apps (moleskine, TimeCapsule, WildEyes…) is working hard on getting the apps ported over to 2.0. BigBoss is also working hard on getting his apps ported to 2.0, below is what he has to say about a few of the apps that have been ported so far.

BossPrefs BossPrefs v2.0.2a (alpha). This is the first working version for 2.0 devices. There will be some issues but the major stuff should work. The airplane / phone toggles are not implemented, the add plugin GUI is not implemented, and there may be some other minor issues. I think double tap home needs some work. The bulk of it works. I put it out immediately because there was no other way to toggle SSH. Wil update it again very soon.
[Read more…]

WinPwn…Getting Closer to being Ready for Firmware 2.0

Though we have already seen the release of Pwnage 2.0 as a jailbreak option for firmware 2.0, some of us (that includes Doug and I) are anxiously awaiting the release of WinPwn, the windows version of Pwnage. We do not have any hard evidence of when it is going to be released but the guys over at say that we can expect to see it in the next few days. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Once it has been released we will do a full article on how to use it and how it worked for us. Though, as of now, Installer is still not available for firmware 2.0 and there have not been many application ported over. Let me know in the comments if those of you on 1.1.4 and below will update to 2.0 and jailbreak right away or if you will hang out on your jailbroke 1.1.4 for a little while.

Dev Team has Jailbroke 2.0

Not available yet but looks like it’s been done. See more here: Screenshots below.

Update via Brooke: :)
Well, it has been said that the Dev Team has jailbroken firmware 2.0. It is not available yet and we have definitly not tested it. So, if you are someone who wants to keep your current jailbroken applications, has an iPhone that is fake activated or has an unlocked iPhone….DO NOT UPDATE TO 2.0. As Doug mentioned earlier today in his article Warning – Read This Before Upgrading to Firmware 2.0 if you upgrade, you will lose your jailbreak and your iPhone will no longer be unlocked. If it was fake activated…it will pretty much be useless, you wouldn’t even be able to get to the SpringBoard (though, you could make an emergency call with it!). Also, even though 2.0 has been jailbroke… [Read more…]