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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Free |
There was an update to the Cydia Community Sources today. The update adds the iSpazio source to the list of sources. The sources url for the iSpazio source is http:ispaziorepo.com/cydia/apt/ The iSpazio source does add a few nice themes though I have found that the more info section of the themes does not work…so, no previews are available. But, if you haven’t already, you will want to check out the Reveal theme…it is one of my favorites!
Hopefully they will add the reveal calculator skin because I wanted to download that in Customize, but it doesn’t properly download.
That is too bad. I will say that I am having a few issues with Installer 4.0 but, Cydia works great for me. Honestly, I think the majority of my problems have to do with the App Store!
Not a single problem with Cydia here either. I have learned one thing, when you install, either through Cydia or App Store, let the phone do it’s thing for a WHILE. In Cydia, you’ll see a little spinning wheel at top ( like if it’s accessing network ) and the app store apps just take a while you install, but you can see them. I’ve noticed that if I’m patient, and let the installs happen for longer than I think they need, then there are no problems at all.
i believe your problem is that when you pwned your iphone you did not set the root partition size to 550, you kept it at 500 and therefore have no “breathing room” and your apps are crashing. repwn with a new custom f/w with a 550mb partition size and you should be set
mine is pwned w/ 500 mb root partition size and i hav had no problems
one of the main things that could b causing issues is what Andres said, you have to wait after installing to let Cydia set up the package and let AppStore clean up
i’m pwned with 500 too but big boss says 550 help relieve problems, and i trust the boss. do you?
i’m still using FW 2.0 why cant i get this update
i still got the Cydia Community Sources 0-6
should i update first to FW 2.0.1 to get 0-7 ?
I liked cydia but
Once I updated to 2.0.1 it keeps going back to 2.0 when I put
Cydia back on phone. Any suggestions
what do you mean “it keeps going back to 2.0”?
are u pwning the right firmware type?
Never had 1 single problem with cydia EVER, I’ve only had problems with installer
oh yea… the reveal theme is awesome… it even has a pocket money transparent icon. Usually I have trouble finding a theme with a custom pocket money icon.
CYDIA is INSTALLER for FW 2.0 or higher..
INSTALLER WAS THE BEST FOR fw 114 and lower.
quit cyber yelling
you not mean 551 you cant set 550 mb cos it goes up in 4mb from 447 mb to 551 you cant select 550 mb
manually type in the box how much room you want, it will do the fine adjustments
i didnt hav a need to change the partition size, tho
I’m new and I know this might be the wrong place to ask but my cydia crashed and is gone somehow. I want to get it back on my phone but don’t know if I should build ispw again and go over all of the steps or just restore with the custom firm? Thanks
never happened before. but after doing 2 updates today on cydia… alot of my headers and footers in my apps dissapeared. i deleted all my apps from cydia… and i restarted my phone several times.. but no im restoring it and hope it begins to work. just thought id let you all know.
This is not related to topic. Just trying to get attention. Am I the only person not to notice this or maybe a new feature…? Tap to the left or right of the springboard page identifier (dots/circles above the dock) and slides board automatically. Not that cool but maybe overlooked. I always hear people saying things take too long on the iPhone. Which is faster! Slide or Tap?!
it was the same on 1.1.4 ….. LOL!
This is unlrelated also, I just updated the packages I have installed on cydia. Including my chromium keyboard, NOW IT DOESNT WORK. I have no idea what to do, can anyone help? I tried rebooting. Do I have to mess with ssh, if so, where do I go? please help!!!
I wish i could delete my last post, right after I posted I went into winteboard and realized that it wasn’t activated or directly under my current theme!!!
According to the front page of the Cydia app, you have to restore to fix it.
i will jailbreak 2.1 when it comes out and the jailbreak comes out.
by then things should be stable on both sides of the table. =p
Check out the theme called Surprise! I laughed so hard :)
Same here. I sent BigBoss an email telling him how I was in bed trying not to wake the wife. Phone on silent and it still blasted out of the phone. I had to leave the room cause I was trying not to laugh.
What is it like though?
andres i will have to get my glasses changed on winpwn there is not a box were you can input a number for disc partition size only a slider that goes up in 4mb stages 447, 551.556,560 and so on so can cannot choose 550 i chose 551 seamed ok but got error 6 when i choose installer only so redid custom image and ticked installer and cydia that loaded fingers crossed cydia is ok
did not make a difference the app make it mine on cydia crashed phone 15 th time for restore now
it has something to do with apps bought off app store when synced with phone there effecting cydia in someway
My appstore don’t show updates anymore only in itunes anyone else have this problem?
ill tell u summet
installer 4.0 is crap
all the sources are new and only about 10 work
cydia on the other hand is excellent and works 100% of the time
pluss get the iglass theme
the icons on that are cool
and so is that revel one that he was on about
When can we have a tethered JB???
unfortunately my iPad 2 is on 4.3.5 , means no jailbreak, at least not easily. so again
When can we have a tethered JB???