Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
There have been a few updates to BossPrefs since the last time I did a review of the application. Most of the updates have been bug fixes or behind the scenes changes. However, version 2.12b of BossPrefs does add a new option. In the More section, you now have the option to Disable Apple App Killswitch. The Apple App Killswitch is referring to the ability in which Apple has to actually take an app right off your iPhone…like yours personally! Crazy! Well, BossPrefs now allows you to turn off the “switch” that allows Apple to do that. I’m not sure Apple would really apprecaiate that but, that is what the update to BossPrefs does. Below are the other two changes which inculde one bug fix and one code change.
Other Changes.
– Fixed bug with custom services that would prevent some from being detected running.
– Calling bundles by name to help in theming the dock icons. However, for whatever reason, the theming still is not working.
BigBoss does it again, this is the option we needed, as steve has got to be close to killing point soon, now with this extra add-on we are free *he says hoping* xD
Thanks! I’ll go and update right now…
apple makes a killswitch…BigBoss disables is. I love it
i love pwnage…….up yours apple
If an application includes malware, why is the killswitch something you’d want to disable?
Considering the bad press Apple would get by killing an application that didn’t deserve it, I hope the killswitch is there for our protection.
Its a matter of choice. I appreciate being able to kill Apples Kill Switch. All we have to do as users is be carefull and not download every piece of software before completely knowing what it Is. If you feel safer letting Apple make that decision for you then that is also a choice. ;)
that’s right u have to be careful
I guess it’s for people who use cracked apps?! I read some articles which said that Apple can access iPhone with unlicensed apps and remove them completely. For those who buy apps genuinely, there shouldn’t be any reasons for turning that Killswitch off.
has anyone ever witnessed apple ever using this feature? because i remember this occasion about auora feint… i had it on my iphone when apple complained about it uploading your contacts to their servers. apple took it right out of the shop until they fixed this “feature”. it was never removed from my iphone though…i thought thats what this killswich is all about. protect me… guess apple had something else in mind
Apple might kill NetShare, so watch out everybody.
Nah the killswitch is there to disable any application that apple dont want you to have on your iphone.
Case and point is auroua feint, apple removed it, so it was no longer “legal” in the apple world, and they killd it.
Basically its there if apple ever see the need to disable all illegal apps on iphones.
Hi there,
I have a problem with Boss Prefs v2.12b. I enter the program to enable SSH, but when I try to use Cyberduck tells me that it is not possible. So I go back to Boss Prefs and find that the SHH option is off. In other words, although active again if I go to the main screen of the iPhone and them back to Boss Prefs I discover that SHH has not been activated. Only if I Reboot it works.
Does anyone knows why?
Do you have OpenSSH installed in your iPhone?
Cause the switch only enable/disable the app, you need to have it already installed.
* You can install it on Cydia.
“…Only if I Reboot it works.” – I’m sorry I didn’t read that…
Try reinstalling OpenSSH on Cydia, it is very easy.
I reinstalled it twice ;-(