The Dev Team has released their recent hack of Firmware 2.1. They have also claimed the rumors of iTunes 8 blocking the pwn is not true and there is still a way. So far, this hack uses QuickPwn and Pwnage tools for the Mac only. It’s not confirmed if it works on the new iPod Touch 2G as the Dev Team doesn’t have one yet.
PwnageTool 2.1 for Mac OS X via Bittorent
QuickPwn 1.1 for Mac OS X via Bittorrent
Direct Downloads – QuickPwn
Direct Downloads – PwnageTool
More mirrors can be found here.
Works great on my iPhone 1G. One comment though – don’t install biteSMS 2.2 under cydia – it will cause all your appstore apps to crash. If you already have installed it, then just uninstall and you will be fine.
Jailbreaking works smoothly, but Winterboard and Intelliscreen are in need of an update. If you love these two, hold off a week or so. I’m sad without Intelliscreen, but happy to have a phone that is working much better.
WinterBoard and Customize don’t like
the new 2.1
Winterboard works fine for me.
nothing wrong with any app on cydia now on 2.1 all works fine great improvements on all bugs at last never had any problems at all with winterboard
Winterboard works ok here, but customize is bad and really needs updating, otherwise winterboard will supersede it. It’s becoming irrelevant.
Sombody here used this site to unlock their aphones??
Any feedback??
no can this site have 3G unlock and dev-team not?!!
They already have unlocked the 3G in Europe…I think they use a different SIM card to trick the phone into thinking its a real carrier…i read somewhere.
does it really work som1 should give it a try and write what happened
I’m sure new updates of Winterboard/Customize will be released in next few days,
either way, I’m still waiting for windows version of quickpwn….
Yea, Im waiting on the windows version of pwnage tool. I’m pretty excited. I feel embarrassed to show my phone off with how crappy 2.0.1 has been. The phone lags in every way possible.
hopefully this fixes the issue my friend and I have been having with texting where it lags MAJORLY. I know its in the list, but has anyone experienced this first hand and is now fixed?
What part lags for you? I haven’t had any keyboard lag since 2.02 and 2.1 is pretty speedy too. Do you two have something installed that could be causing the lag, maybe?
Yep, this update seems to have fixed that. That was one of the main reasons why I updated to 2.1. That lag was too annoying. Ugh
yeah, at 2.0/2.0.1 and 2.0.2 I had serious lag problems. 2.1 works awesome. Had it since Friday and it works with no hitch on my 3g.
Folks i just verified iTunes8 installs the custom firmware in non dfu (normal) mode without any issues. in dfu mode it gives 1600 error
Its weird, we both have installed a few things from Cydia and the app store itself, but when we are in another program for example, and hit reply when a text message comes thru it lags intensly.
Say we start to type a reply, each letter pops up that we pushed it for about 2 seconds for each key, we generally have to exit the SMS area by hitting the home button and entering back into it to get it to work normally. It has had the problem nearly as much since I went to 2.0.2 but it has happened a few times lately.
I updated my 3G last night. The SMS works faster for me but the reply method while in an app still lags. Maybe 3-5 seconds. But once in, there wasn’t an issue. I am a windowz user so my phone is not jailbroke at the moment.
wow, two days (or has it been 3???) and theres a jailbreak already???!?!?!? Thats what I call progress. I miss the good ‘ol days when we had to wait 3-4 weeks for a jailbreak……wow, how far we have come…….
actualy this came out yesterday morning, so it took less than 24 hours
wow even better lol
I can’t seem to get it to work. Every time I try to do the jailbreak t tells me that I don’t have the right boot loader. So I go to to download it and the it still tells me I don’t have the right one even when I browse my files to get it. Is there a specific place I need to download that from?
We have both bootloaders available on our firmware page if you need them.
If you are still having this issue, copy the pwnagetool to the desktop or pwnage folder and this problem will go away.
Don’t try running quickpwn or pwnage tool from the opened .dmg file, it has to dragged to your computer to work correctly.
does the new version include Arabic language ??
I don’t see it, so I don’t think so.
is there a version for pc?..if there is which 1 do i download
..Read…….it’s Mac ONLY (for now)
I used QuickPwn,and it works perfectly. Very smooth, very quick.
you people should just wait a a week then it will be better
I just performed a shift, restore with a friends iphone on her PC using my MAC custom2.1 .ipsw file, no problems at all…
Make sure your buddy’s phone has been previously pwned before you do it…. Alternatively just wait for the windows version.
hey can u plz post your custom 2.1 im running xp and would love to go to 2.1 already… btw im first G iphone.
The windows Quickpwn works for 2.1!! i did it and worked fine. :D
Ipod touch that is.
I used Pwange tool to get the 2.1 on my 3G. I grabbed the firmware on another site. I worked real smooth. The phone is like brand new..everything works faster. The apps open up better, typing has no lag.
Hey All, I got my hands on unlocked 3G iphone today…..Sweet!!!!!!
I hope the update for Windows comes soon…I’ll miss my jailbroken stuff too much to update it now…I really want the new FW though…
Very smooth jailbreak with Quickpwn. Just had to restore the phone to 2.0.2, upgrade to 2.1 and jailbreak it. Enjoying the jailbroken apps again. Also, firmware 2.1 is great. With all the apps I’ve downloaded, backing up the phone was taking forever on 2.0.2. Now backing up takes no time at all. I haven’t really tested the battery life out yet, so I don’t know how big of an improvement it is, but the backup fix alone is worth the upgrade.
Hi, can you please give me an idea, I just upgraded from firmware 1.1.4 to 2.1, then I restored and unlocked with quickpwn, but doesnt’t detect the tmobile sim card and doesn’t get into my wirelles connection, I also dowloaded the both bootloaders 4.6 and 3.0 from this page, please could you help me, thank you from Miami, Fl
Sorry, Carlos, not sure how to answer. I’ve never unlocked, as I’m an AT&T customer. You might want to address this to someone else.
I don’t see too much of a difference. It still takes long for mail to open and SMS still lags. Back still takes a long time and it wants to backup everytime I sync.
Maybe you need to restore and leave it that way because I notice the same thing after I JailBkoke my iPhone 3g
after i restore to 2.1 it lags with the apple logo and the spinny thing near the apple logo and vibrates every 30 seconds or so..i restored it 3 times and tried the pwnage tool on it once. anyone know of this happening?
I had the same problem. I ended up just restoring it again and then I skipped restoring the phone back to my last backup because that seemed to cause my phone to flip out like that. I hope you got it fixed by now :)
same thing happened with my ipod
Okay, I tried restoring with a Custom Firmware (from another site) cause for some reason it wasn’t building one on my Mac : (
I had a couple of rounds of attempts, finally was stuck in recovery mode (after some restores). I then updated to the new 2.1 which I got, and now it is locked!!! I need to insert a valid SIM! And for some reason, its not going back to 2.0… iTunes gives an error!!! Any help?
Jailbreak the restored phone, not a phone restored from backup!!! If you’ve installed apps that changed the springboard previously, the springboard plist will remember the state it was in and will loop on startup looking for those things that obviously aren’t there.
winpwn 3.0 coming out soon so stop wasting your time boys
Nevermind….I QuickPWNd it over all that mess :D Seems to working now :))
I have no idea how it BootNeutered it….cause I thought, QuickPWN didn’t unlock your phone :S
Correct, you can only jailbreak a 3G phone, not unlock it.
Hey Xan, I’m having similar issues. It is saying that I need to insert a valid SIM card. Mine is legit and I don’t understand it. Can you tell me what exactly did you have to do to able to regain service? Thanks
I have just upgraded and now I used the quickpwn but now I can not find Cydia Installer or my settings. I hope someone has some ideas. Please help!
Look here for the answer.
Has anyone seen anything to unlock the carrier for firmware 2.X. I’ve got a 1st Gen phone with firmware 1.1.4 and T-Mobile.
Thats been out for a while man, I have a 1st gen iPhone with 2.0.2. 2.0 and 2.0.1 have been available for a while trey……:P I work at tmo and even I knew about it ;)
I’m seeing a lot of confirmations now that 1st Gen is easily unlocked (compared to 2nd Gen), but using what software and which firmware is capable? I understand the 2nd Gen phone is what most people are interested in, but perhaps someone can compile a grid for each generation phone with software on one axis and firmware on the other axis. If such a grid exists, please point the way. When I first unlocked my phone, I suppose I was late in the game, but ZiPhone was quick and easy. 3 minutes and I was done. Sorry for the long reply.
Hey treycranson, you can use Winpwn 2.5 if you have a PC or Pwnage on a Mac. Just go to and click on the guide for whichever tool corresponds to your computer. The guides are very detailed and walk you through every step, including screenshots. It’s pretty easy to do, even if you’re not overly experienced with computers or your iPhone. The Mac version works for the new 2.1 firmware, while the PC version can work for 2.0.2. Winpwn 3.0 should be out soon and we’ll be able to pwn the new firmware with that. I too have a 1st gen iPhone on T-Mobile and am running 2.0.2. Can’t wait for the Dev Team to finish their amazing work, keep it up!
Anybody knows how to quikpwn a 3G with ATT im on 2.1 thanks
Guides are here.
First, download the QuickPwn 1.1 for Mac (if you’re on Windows, it won’t work; there’s a complicated way to do it, but I’d just wait for the GUI solution). Copy the app onto your desktop or your applications folder (it won’t work if you run it from the virtual drive). Run the app, and follow the instructions. First you plug in your phone (iTunes will try to autosync, cancel the sync), then you put it into DFU restore. The program will tell you how to do this. You just have to hold the power and home buttons in the right sequence. Don’t worry if you get it wrong. You can retry by unplugging/replugging the phone. From there, just stand back and let the program do it’s job. You’ll see a file icon, and then a little Pineapple appears on your screen. That’s it.
yeah! I forgot to mention i’m on windows , I guess i’ll wait thanks anyways really appreciate the fast respond.
IPHONE hit new low this update stinks–
Half the apps needs rewrite.
Do not update wait a month untill all apps are updaed to meet 2.1 requrements.
Can 2.1 be UNLOCKED for iphones, or is it only jailbreak at the moment. I have my phone at 2.0, and would like to upgrade, but i dont know what program to use to go to 2.1 and if it only jailbreaks or unlocks and jailbreaks. any info would be great!
You can jailbreak and unlock a 1st gen phone to 2.1, but only jailbreak a 3G or 2nd gen phone to 2.1 for now. The dev team are trying a workaround for the 3G bootneuter crack.
Are u on Mac or Windows?
im on windows, and my iphone IS NOT a 3G
update on winpwn
WinPwn 3.0 Update (09/14/08)
It’s been very busy for me recently at work and I haven’t had much time to spend on WinPwn.But i’m hoping that planet/squpid and I can get the latest version out soon. I will keep you updated!
How about KATE 2.0.
Has anyone tested it with FW 2.1? Does it still work?
Thank you!
What about iBlacklist still workin anyone? on 2.1
im on windows, and my phone is not the 3G, so its the ʻoriginalʻ iphone
I used custom firmware to unlock 2G with 2.1 firmware. No app store apps will load when I then restore the phone with backup. The phone was unlocked. I am now trying to pwn from scratch, and say “No” I have not pwned before. I think we have a bug.
Now I have a brick – tried in DFU mode, restored with custom firmware. Phone is white screen and locked up. Gonna try reverting to Itunes 7 and start over with 2.0.2.
i already have a jailbroken 3G phone will i lose my data (music,vids and cydia apps) if i re-jailbreak ?
yes, unless you sync after the fact and re-download your apps
For the first time I decided to Jailbreak my iPhone 3g FW 2.1. Let me just say , the iPhone it’s sluggish now , apps crash more often now , apps lag when opening . Side by side with another default FW 2.1 , JB 3g iPhone it’s a lot slower . I’m restoring for good.
Went back to iTunes 7.5 and downngraded to 1.1.4…but iTunes still said error…and “this phone needs iTunes 8.0. Left me with a phone with the icon and sync cord in on the screen. Tried to unlock with iLiberty – did not detect phone. Then on third try, Ziphone did the job. Now I have a 2G unlocked iPhone with 1.1.4.
Thanks Apple for being jerks. After all, I bought a ton of apps, now you try and brick my phone! On top of that, I use Rogers in Canada, pay go, and still it would not accept my sim. Cudos to the customer love!
under the information on apples website about the new feature thatfirmware 2.1 adds, it mentions an option to ring/vibrate 3 times for a text message. However I cannot find an option to turn that on anywhere. Does anyone know where it is?
Please answer me ^
which program jailbreaks and unlockes a 1st gen iphone for 2.1? 1st gen is the original and 2nd gen is the 3G??
Just upgraded to 2.1 I’m using Windows so I haven’t done the Jailbreak yet. The interface seeems much faster, and the GPS works the better than ever (I’m on a 1st gen model). Only problem is that the Camera button is missing,., so i can’t access the camera!! This might have something to do with the jailbroken 2.0.2 software I had. It seriously messed up my phone towards the end.
Any one heard any news on jailbreak 2.1 for windows?
Grrr… soo… so wanna upgrade!!
A windows version sure would be nice…how long does it normally take for the windows version to be ported?
For windows users use the BIG BOSS method its not that complicated I successfully update my 2.0.2 to 2.1 and every app working flawless (cydia and app store) even winterboard. U dont need to unistall itunes 8.0 by the way this is for legit carrier.
I have a 16GB 3G and I’m was on 2.1. I used Quickpwn to jailbreak it. Everything went fine until it was done and I saw that it activated the phone which has caused it to have no signal. I understand that if the method process activates it then it will cause this error. I went ahead and restored with a regular firmware and it gives me the “SIM is invalid” I tried to restore it through a custom firmware and made sure that the “activate iphone” is NOT checked. I went ahead and restored it and still the same thing. I really don’t know what to do. I search around and tried a few things but still nothing. Hope you guys can help me out. I’m really frustrated. I would settle for anything.
what about winxp users???
i jailbroke my phone and when ever i try to go into the phone it wont let me dial or go to my contacts
to make a call i have to go to the contacts app and it wont even come up with the calling screen when im talking
will this work on my ipod 2g FW 2.1.1