Jailbreak Firmware 3.0 Beta 5

QuickPWNI’m really hoping that the new firmware is released in just a few days at the WWDC event. Until then, I’m going to jailbreak my iPhone again. I’m currently on the newest firmware, 3.0 Beta 5. QuickPWN is able to jailbreak it so, here we go: [Read more…]

Jailbreak 3.0 Beta 2

quickpwnIf you’re looking to jailbreak your 3.0 firmware there is an option out there. It only works for PCs right now because it uses quickpwn. It also doesn’t install Cydia, but RipDev’s Icy. I’m gonna test it out and let you know how it goes. If anyone else has tried it, let us know. Here’s a quote from quickpwn.com:

You can only jailbreak on the iPhone 3.0 Beta 2, iPhone 3G 3.0 beta 2, and iPod Touch 1st Gen beta 3.0. It’s 3.2 MB only because it install’s RiPDev’s Icy program. Once you’ve jailbroken you need to open Icy, refresh all the sources and install OpenSSH to jailbreak.

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QuickPwn for 2.1 Firmware for Windows

Dev TeamThe DevTeam has released QuickPwn for firmware 2.1. Please be sure to read the info below that is from the DevTeam’s blog.

“Supports 2.1 firmware with the unlocking and jailbreaking of iPhone 1st generation (2G) device. Supports the jailbreaking of iPod Touch 1st generation device and iPhone 3G. Does not support the unlocking of iPhone 3G or jailbreaking of second generation (n72ap based) iPod Touch.”

Click HERE to get the downloads for QuickPwn for firmware 2.1.

WinPwn has not yet been released for firmware 2.1. I keep an eye on their website and will let you know as soon as it is.

Jailbreaking an iPhone 3G with 2.1 Firmware using a Mac

A friend stopped by the other night to lend us his MacBook Pro to jailbreak one of our iPhone 3Gs. Here’s a video:

Jailbreak for Firmware 2.1

The Dev Team has released their recent hack of Firmware 2.1. They have also claimed the rumors of iTunes 8 blocking the pwn is not true and there is still a way. So far, this hack uses QuickPwn and Pwnage tools for the Mac only. It’s not confirmed if it works on the new iPod Touch 2G as the Dev Team doesn’t have one yet.

PwnageTool 2.1 for Mac OS X via Bittorent
QuickPwn 1.1 for Mac OS X via Bittorrent
Direct Downloads – QuickPwn
Direct Downloads – PwnageTool

More mirrors can be found here.

QuickPwn GUI for 2.0.2 Firmware

We recently upgraded Brooke’s iPhone to 2.0.2 firmware. I’ve been waiting for the best way to jailbreak it for Windows. QuickPwn GUI is now availble for 2.0.2 firmware so I thought I would give it a shot. It’s very easy to use. You just follow the steps it gives you. This will jailbreak your iPhone but will not unlock the 3G yet. It will add Cydia and Installer without the need to restore your firmware. The Dev Team says the mac version is coming soon. Read more from them at blog.iphone-dev.org.

Download QuickPwn GUI

Here’s some screenshots of the process: [Read more…]

GUI Version of QuickPwn

It seems there is a new GUI version of QuickPwn available. QuickPwn is still in beta but, at least it has a nice interface now! Below is what the Dev Team has to say. Let us know in the comments if you have used QuickPwn and what you think. Also, their website still advises to stay on firmware 2.0.1 though, we have heard of people jailbreaking 2.0.2 using QuickPwn.

“poorlad” has stepped up and created a GUI version of QuickPwn based on our Windows release earlier, this is a stopgap solution that he created in a little over 5 hours, great stuff poorlad!

It is available for download here but beware this is still beta software, it is fairly self explanatory and easy to use. You’ll still see a command-line window popping up when the actual QuickPwn process takes place, but the device and ipsw selection is handled by the GUI.

A final cross platform GUI for QuickPwn is also being developed, but this version should help some of you guys and gals right now.
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QuickPwn – A “New” Beta Jailbreak Method for Windows Users

Dev TeamIt seems the DevTeam has released a quick jailbreak method for Windows users. QuickPwn is still in beta but, it seems to be proof of concept that makes pwning and jailbreaking your iPhone or iPod Touch much quicker. Basically you are able to jailbreak without creating a full IPSW. After taking a look at it, there isn’t much of a user interface at this time and it seems that you can only use it if you are on firmware 2.0.1 (be sure to read the README file). But, if you are into trying the newest hack…you may want to give it a shot. Below is a snippet from the DevTeam’s blog.

We’ve got something for you! (No, it’s not the 3G unlock, but still something very useful.)

It’s a tool we’ve been working on to jailbreak a phone more quickly and easily, without requiring a full restore. Unless you are making a custom firmware with specific features, there is nothing inherent in the pwnage process that requires a restore, and we have been planning this tool for some time. It’s more convenient because you do not need to make a full IPSW and use iTunes with it, but your phone still ends up pwned and jailbroken.

In an attempt to be more open about our development process, we’re releasing a beta version of quickpwn, for Windows only. Other platforms are coming soon.
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