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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Free |
I noticed a pretty cool mod today in Cydia called Un-Unlockable through the ModMyi source. What the mod does is make your “Slide to Unlock” transparent. This means that it will not show up on your lock screen. Instead, you still just see your wallpaper on your lock screen. The “Slide to Unlock” is still there and you still have to slide to unlock your iPhone…you just cannot see it. The first time I locked my iPhone after installing this mod, I panicked a little…I was like, crap it’s gone now what do I do!! But, like anyone who has had an iPhone for a while and uses it everyday, my finger knew exactly where to slide even without having the “Slide to Unlock” prompt. Though, it would definitely keep people out of your iPhone who do not know how to use one!!
Once you have installed Un-Unlockable, it will be added to WinterBoard (there will not be an icon on your dock). You can then go into WinterBoard and check Un-Unlockable. Then, lock your iPhone and tada! a transparent “Slide to Unlock.” After you get over the immediate panic of not having a slide to unlock…it is actually a pretty cool mod!
Note: I couldn’t get a screenshot of the lock screen. If anyone knows of any good screenshot apps for 2.x firmware let me know (besides the built-in screenshot ability).
To take a screenshot:
Install UIKit Tools
SSH through terminal or putty into your ipod with MOBILE not root.
Login: Mobile
Pass; alpine
Press the lock button twice and then type UIShoot in terminal
hit enter and you should get the image path.
Use any util you want to get the image
You install Veency onto your iPhone and then simply connect via VNC ( not the OSX Built in! that won’t work! ) – use something like Chicken of the VNC and voila – you can take screenshots right from your lockscreen on your Mac
Hmm, either this is not working correctly on my iPhone (2.1) or the mod does something different than what I expect.
While the slider is transparent and not visible anymore I can still see the “slide to unlock” text.
oh, you even noted this in your article :D
Additional tip: Use Customize to get rid of the Text that usually displays next to the sliders. Just Edit the System Strings with Customize ( just use one space ) and you will get something like this :-)
This might work…
Use Veency on the iPhone and a VNC client on your PC, then use ALT+PrintScreen to capture the active VNC window.
wow that is pretty cool… however i had to turn off “apple sliders” and “metal iPhone aqua” to get it to work cause at first there was still a slider down there.
and actually the “slide to unlock” text is gone for me so i don’t know what i did differently.
Yeah, my text is gone too. It is completely transparent.
mine still says slide to unlock :(
I really wish winpwn 3.0 would get released so I can upgrade to 2.1!
ou could just use quickpwn 2.1
You can use quickpwn. Check out the dev teams blog, and BigBoss has an awsome guide on his site. It worked great for me and I run XP
Does is fake activate and unlock?
I have a first gen btw.
Yep, I have a 1st gen too.
Could you tell me how you did it? Please
for the specs*
yes it does. I have a 1st gen too.
Sleepers.net has the best guide. He also shows you how to use APTBackup so you won’t have to install all of your cydia apps manually. Its really great, the whole process was the quickest PWN i did yet.
To those who still have the “slide to unlock” text: use Customize to remove it (use a space bar as the text)
what is next! A pad lock for the iPhone? All these security stuff.
on 2.1 here, all it did for me is take out the “slide to unlock” text. I still got the slider image at the bottom… any suggestions?
i had the same problem so i just moved un-unlockable tab in winterboard above me custom skin stuff and it got rid of it. so if you move it all the way to the top it should take care of your problem.
itd be cool if after u hid it, u could move where u slide, bc a few of my friends just tried sliding where it normally owuld be and it worked
I havnt seen anybody talk about a new feature in 2.1 with email and SMS text. You can slide from left to right on a SMS or email to delete that message. You don’t have to click the edit button.
There is an update for un unlockable out now.
I think this feature has been there since the very first iPhone.
ummm dude, ur completely late on that news…. that feature has been out since the first iphone with firmware 1.0
LOL. Thanks for setting me straight.
i really dislike the “tap to answer” part of it.
when i receive a call, this green ugly button comes up saying “tap to answer”
is there a possible way to use this and still keep a slider for answering calls?
Be careful. It turned my “Slide to Answer” into a “Tap to answer.” I accidentally answered a phone call from a bill collector. OUCH! Of course if you’re not in debt up to your eyeballs like me then it’s no big deal.
tap to unlock sliders is another really cool app in todays cydia!
Yeah it is I like it but I still have a problem habit where I keep trying to slide it instead of tapping ..lol hard to get used to
Hi a Questipon about winterboard .iI am on firmware 2.1 and have winterboard not install because i read here from the issues with Winterboard about 2.1 .Can i install Winterboard with firmware 2.1 for my 3G without problems?
Yes you can.
Actually, it works like a charm.
No problems at all.
Thanks very much for this quick answer!!!!
I have a question and don’t know where to post. I jailbroke my 1st. gen now in 2.0.2. My original wallpaper (from my jailbreak 1.1.4) didn’t go away (it was from customize) and now i can’t change the wallpaper at all from settings. Sometimes it does (like KillSignCarbonRed) but not from settings. I have the un-unlockable (it freaks me out a bit) but i see the same old wallpaper still….any suggestions? I restored and jailbroke twice btw. Thanks!
Hmmm, I can’t still get this to work. I still have the “slide to unlock” when I use the un-unlockable. I have tried to move the un-unlockable tab above the custom skin that I use. Also tried to turn off the custom skin, but still “slide to unlock” :(
did you try removing “slide to unlock” in customize by replacing it with a space?
No, haven’t tried that… Didn’t even now that Customize worked for 2.1, but thanks. Will try that :)
Today I updated these app and now I dont have the “slide to unlock”!! I am unhappy because I use to have “I love iPhone” instead of “slide to unclok” and I miss it!!!! ;-(
cool app. i like that it show more of the background pic. the wife likes it on here iphone too.
How we can get rid of the “tap to answer” feature?
It is really not nice: sometime you dont want to asnwer the phone, but it does by simply touching it!
is there a way to remove this and keep the slide to answer option?
is there a way to move the entire “slide to unlock” bar itself?
well.. i didnt use any such mod but my slider widget is not showing! i want it back… :(
though the ‘Slide to unlock’ text is showing! can you help please……
thanks for the same!
I have a serious problem now :(
I’m using a iphone 3GS 3.1.2(?!) newest software version, jailbreaked and unlocked, springboard.
I havent been playing with any code using SSH or somethin but I have several cydia apps installed, espacially lockinfo and most of the plugins. I also “disabled” the clock on the lockscreen.
Now, to get the most out of lockinfo in the lock-mode, ich wanted to make the “slide to unlock” vanish – so i installed “Un-Unlockable – Slide to Unlock Mod”.
I wondered why the software is 1,4mb but while installing I could see something about installing winterboard – which was ok for me.
But when it had to restart nothing happened anymore… it doesnt boot anymore it just lingers with the grey screen and the apple in the middle… nothing moving, no reaction… and after a short time the screen goes black again…
What can I do now? Im kind of desperate :(
is this compatible with iOS4?
Yes, it works with iOS4.0.
Just installed it myself, very useful!
to take screenshot:
download activator from cydia
go to anywhere
choose what button/s to press
then choose take screenshot
go to lockscreen and press those buttons
look in camera roll and it should be there
if it works (it should) then you could post it