myPixelArt – Think Lite-Brite…iPhone Style

Available In: App Store       Price: $1.99  

myPixelArt myPixelArt is an application that reminds me of the Lite-Brite I loved as a kid…only iPhone style! When you open the application, you will see three options; New, myGallery and Settings. In the Settings, you are able to turn the sound on/off, learn more about the application and get help using the app. To get started, select New.

You are then able to choose between three size work areas; small, medium and large. Once you have chosen a size, you will be brought to the design screen. To create an image, just tap on a pixel on the screen which will light it up. You can change the color of the “lights” by selecting the icon in the lower left corner. It will keep your past three color choices on the lower menu bar so that you are able to quickly switch between them (a very nice feature!). To add a title to your design, just tap on the upper menu bar where it says, New ArtWork. You can also resize the work area by pinching on the screen (the standard zooming technique).

Once you have created an image, you have the option to do a few things with it. If you select the Menu option on the lower menu bar, you are able to choose to email and post artwork, post artwork to web, go to web site and add to photo library. If you would like to post your artwork to their website, you will need to sign up for an account. And, I will say, it is fun to go online and see all the different designs!

Once you start a design, there is no need to save it…it is automatically saved to the Gallery. If you go back to the main menu and go into the gallery, you are able to view all designs you have created as well as delete any of the designs you have created.

I have found a few glitches in the application such as pixels outside of the grid lighting up (they don’t show up on the actual design just on the page when you create the design). I also noticed that when you are trying to light pixels next to the upper menu bar, it tends to think you are tapping on the menu bar instead of the pixel just below it (this is mainly an issue when you are zoomed all the way out on your design page). Other than that…I actually really like this application. It is fun to use and nicely designed. I find myself going back to it again and again…it has an addictive quality! Check it out!

Take a Note App Store Link


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  1. Dustin Riley says

    My Grandma has the original light bright.

  2. Tell your grandma I said hi.