PlayGround – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard playgroundtheme2 PlayGround is not a new theme for the iPhone and/or iPod Touch…we saw this theme back on the 1.1.4 (and below) firmware. However, it seems it has made it’s way to the 2.x firmware. The theme contains 120 icons (though, once again does not contain an icon for the App Store), a dock and a wallpaper. You can get PlayGround via the iSpazio source.

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the iSpazio source installed in Cydia.
3. Search for PlayGround in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the PlayGround theme.


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  1. iphonejunky says

    i dont get that… whats up with the no app store icon???

  2. How do i get that? I got the theme, and put it on with winterboard, but its only the background for the home screen. The icons/apps arnt like the picture. SOMEONE HELP ME! plz?