New Poll – How often do you visit the App Store on your iPhone or iPod Touch?

AiS Time for a new poll. The last poll was – Do you let your kids play with your iPhone or iPod Touch? Below are the results based on when we added the poll about a week and a few weeks ago.

* Yes (31.0%, 481 Votes)
* No (17.0%, 272 Votes)
* I don’t have any kids! (39.0%, 619 Votes)
* My kids have their own iPhone/iPod Touch! (13.0%, 197 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,569

Our two year old actually uses one of our old iPhones (1st gen)…we have a case on it and child proofed it as much as possible. It keeps him busy wile we are waiting for things…like at the doctor’s office or in a restaurant…he loves it! Even though he is usually very careful with it, I will admit that he has dropped it a few times (ok, quite a few times) but, it hasn’t broke yet!

You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Below is the new poll. Honestly, I thought I had already done this poll but, I went back and looked and I haven’t…maybe I just had it in my head so I thought I already did, that happens!

How often do you visit the App Store on your iPhone or iPod Touch?

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  1. Love my iphone

  2. LOL yeah but I wonder how the new iPhone will be an the price!!

  3. Every day. I have the search constantly set to ltd biting my nails while I wait for Agile Forces which is literally the best iPhone game ever made. They had a demo of it on 1.1.4 for jailbreakers.

    • Yablonsky says

      I’ve been waiting for this one as well….great game…
      Have you check out Warfare Incorporated?


  4. Yablonsky says

    Actually….I check every day…easier to look at and use.