MusicInfo – Display Song Title, Artist and Album in Status Bar

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

MusicInfo I guess I’m on some sort of iPod kick today so, here is another cool app for you. MusicInfo is a mod that quickly displays a song’s info in your status bar.

Once installed, when you switch to a new song, you will get a quick five second overlay on your status bar that displays the song title, artist and album.

This mod will work anywhere in which the status bar is visible. It also comes in two colors; black and white (installed separately). Also, this a code app so you will not see an icon on your SpringBoard. It is not activated/deactivated via WinterBoard. If you would like to remove the mod, you will need to uninstall it in Cydia.

A simple application but, it’s decently cool. You can get MusicInfo via the Touch-Mania source.


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  1. awesome tip! i’ve been trying to figure that out for a while now. thanks.

  2. Yablonsky says

    Installed this and re-spring’ed and it doesn’t seem to work. Rebooting now to see if that makes it work.

    • Yablonsky says

      Installed this and re-spring’ed and it doesn’t seem to work. Rebooting now to see if that makes it work.

      Even after rebooting…it didn’t work….un-installing.

    • Yablonsky says

      It seems the first time around it didn’t install….trying again

      Well…seems to work just great now that it is actually installed….

  3. Works but when play a movie with quicktime keeps stoping the movie.
    Unistall and movie plays fine.

  4. toNYc311 says

    I instaled it rom Icy. Works fine with no issues.

  5. ughhh i miss my jailbroken phone :(

    dev team, where art thou? lol

  6. RuBBa_cHiKiN says

    Well, I installed it, it worked fine, then uninstalled it because I decided I didn’t need it, but I have a transparent glass statusbar, and now I keep getting this annoying black bar behind my statusbar when I’m on the home screen, even with the winterboard theme disabled.

  7. Kristian Lindholm says

    Hello. Can you please tell me the name of the theme you have in these screenshoots