Like the last poll, I also did this poll before we knew all the details about the iPhone 3G S. Now that we have all the info (and the details from AT&T) I’m interested to see if the numbers have changed any. Let me know in the comments if AT&T’s policy has affected whether or not you are going to be purchasing the iPhone 3G S. Below are the results from the last time we ran the poll.
Will you purchase the new 3rd Generation iPhone?
* Yep – It will be my first iPhone! (8.0%, 64 Votes)
* Yep – Upgrading from the 2nd Generation iPhone. (28.0%, 219 Votes)
* Yep – Upgrading from the 1st Generation iPhone. (17.0%, 130 Votes)
* Nope – Keeping my 2nd Generation iPhone. (14.0%, 109 Votes)
* Nope – Keeping my 1st Generation iPhone. (4.0%, 33 Votes)
* Nope – Sticking with my iPod Touch. (5.0%, 39 Votes)
* Nope – Still no iPhone. :( (1.0%, 11 Votes)
* Undecided – Waiting until after WWDC! (22.0%, 168 Votes)
Total Voters: 773
Here is the new poll.
Will you purchase the iPhone 3G S?
- Yep - It will be my first iPhone! (9%, 107 Votes)
- Yep - Upgrading from the 1st Generation iPhone. (16%, 191 Votes)
- Yep - Upgrading from the 2nd Generation iPhone. (24%, 290 Votes)
- Nope - Keeping my 1st Generation iPhone. (9%, 108 Votes)
- Nope - Keeping my 2nd Generation iPhone. (35%, 428 Votes)
- Nope - Sticking with my iPod Touch. (6%, 69 Votes)
- Nope - Still no iPhone. :( (3%, 38 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,231

Very surprised that the most voted option is upgrading from iPhone 3G. Do you people realize you have to pay $400 or $500 (depending upon the size)?
I selected that option as well, but I thought that would sway people from upgrading. I plan to sell my iPhone 3G on eBay, unlocked.
Not all 2nd generation iPhone users have to pay the extra cash. I pre-qualified and even pre-ordered my phone to be delivered to me on the 19th. I think it’s because of some creative Family talk plan me and the wife had.
I would love to upgrade, but AT&T is making it too hard. There is no way I’m going to pay double or have two plans at once; too expensive.
Yes. I am with Tmobile. Paid for the 16GB for $199.00 I will pay ATT and break the contract $175. Total price for the phone? $374. Much better than the $400 for my 2G.
I know the 3G is useless on Tmobile…. I am seroiusly thinking about just using the new line with ATT but you can beat the $49 unlimited call and $9.99 unlimited internet.
I upgraded due to the better processor and more memory. According to apple this sucker is stable and will not crash. The IPHONE 3G CRASHES DUE TO LACK OF MEMORY.
I am also upgrading from a 3g. I only have to pay the $200 not $400 because of a family plan. I would not have upgraded if I had to pay $400.
I won’t upgrade because with the system update to 3.0 gives me the extra upgrades I want. speed is always good when new but after loading apps it will show down. Apple is known for giving only a bit at a time milking people to update and upgrade. I don’t mind waitting for my 3G contract to mature.
I’m also upgrading from an iPhone 3G ( which I just bought in early March) . I’m on a family plan with my folks and I’m gonna use my Mothers upgrade to get the 32gb for 299. Moms not tech savy and she’s just fine with her 4 yr old Nokia.
yea she will be stuck with the data plan. or No?
That’s what I was wondering at first. But I called and made sure with customer service and they told me just to call them when I get the phone and they will switch it over to my line. Although I will have to pay for one day of 3G data even if my Moms sim card never even touches the 3GS. It’s ok though, it will only be a couple bucks. I’m sure if I raise a stink about it they might wave it but I don’t care. I was happy that they would allow me to use my Moms upgrade to get a subsidised price on an iPhone.
Upgrading from first generation, anyone know how expensive this will be with cell plan for 16gb version?
iamse7en so how much are u selling ur iphone 3g for
i just want to know how the MMS is going to be,cause if they charge extra for that,then it is all bullshit,excuse my language,or if the MMS continues under TEXT MESSAGE PLAN.
Does anyone know or has heard how if and when the MMS works if it is going to be extra on on the text plan?
In UK, they are saying that one MMS will cost the same as FOUR SMS in your allocation
Mms isn’t free on any device. Why would that be any different for the wildly popular iPhone?
Hey Cory,
I am still on a Cingular Sim Card and if i use any type of cellphone other then a iphone i can use the mms under my present contact with unlimited texting(which covers sms & mms).
I ask the question since iphones do not do the mms like other phones.
I understand that 3.0 will allow this to happen on just the 3G & 3GS but when i looked to upgrade my account with any iphone 3G or 3GS,the plan under multimedia messaging is not offered,just offers NO or Opt Out.
So once mms is available at the end of the summer as what AT&T says,then what?
Are we going to pay extra or have it under the unlimited messaging feature?
These are the questions that i wonder about,So as to saying MMS is not free is not correct,it is free since before the iphone i was using samsung/motorola/nokia/palm….
I did pay for unlimited but it was still under the text plan regardless if it was a MMS OR SMS.
Did you check out the article with the AT&T Q&A? That’s a relief. It’s been so long since I had mms capability, for some reason I thought I remembered it costing a little more than sms. Seems like I remember paying for an SMS package and an mms package seperately when I had mms capability back in the day on my RZR. Guess I’m just imagining things. Like I said, it’s been a while!
You know that in another six months there will be some new iPhone that apple releases to make the 3Gs look like a POS. I’m keeping my 3G at 2.2.1 jailbroken until the 3.0 firmware comes out.
I’m holding onto my 3G for another year I think, I could upgrade sooner, but just don’t think it is worth it.
Ok I have a family plan with just two numbers both are 3g phones and I can’t upgrade until 3/2010. But could I add a line and cancel an old one so I could get the new iPhone with out paying to end my contract?
I’m pretty sure you’ll have to pay an early termination fee for cancelling. Just call AT&T and ask em, they’ll let you know what your options are.
Well I can’t wait to get one of these myself, personally.