TweetMic – Send Audio Tweets

Available In: App Store       Price: $0.99  

TweetMic We recently did a review of FaceMic, an application that allows you to record audio and then send it straight to your Facebook page (posting it on your “wall”). Well TweetMic is the same concept only via Twitter. It allows you to record audio and then send it as a tweet. Very cool.

TweetMic functions basically the same as FaceMic. When you first open it, you will need to go to the Setup option where you will enter your Twitter info. You can also change the default phrase under the Setup option.

To record audio, all you need to do is head over to the Record option and then select the red record button in the center of the screen. It begins recording right away so make sure you are ready! As you record to can see the time and the volume of your recording. To stop recording, just tap the red record button again. You can then listen to your recording using the green play button. If you would like to re-record the audio just tap the red record button again (this will delete your previous recording). You can enter a title for the recording in the text box at the top of the screen. Once you have the recording and the title how you would like it, just select the Publish to Twitter option and your recording it immediately sent as a tweet.

The tweet will contain a link that links to a clean, simple page that contains the flash audio recording. If you are in your iPhone or iPod Touch, which does not play flash, the audio is converted to a QuickTime audio file which can then be listened to on the iPhone or iPod Touch.

One difference between FaceMic and TweetMic is that TweetMic displays all your tweets (via the Tweets option) instead of just the audio tweets you have recorded using TweetMic. I think I would rather have a History option like FaceMic where I can listen to all previous audio recording instead of listing all my Tweets…I use a Twitter app for that.

Like FaceMic, I find this application to be well designed, easy to use and fun. The audio quality is good and the implementation on Twitter and the iPhone is sleek. Definitely worth the $0.99. It is fun to both send and receive audio tweets! You should try it!



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  1. iLove my iPhone says

    wrong place, i know im sorry, but can you review the cydia app activate mms2g thanks in advance