Available In: App Store | Price: $0.99 |
This application is the top paid app in the app store right now for $0.99 so I thought I’d show it to you. This video is from appstoremod.com where there are more videos like this. I think this kid is hilarious. Check him out.
Pretty cool app but would this work for the 3G model?
That kid IS hilarious.
This whole ‘new media’ thing is taking a life of its own. Why watch CNN when you can have the appstoremod tell you wazzup. I almost want to go to the direct YouTube link, and rate it 5 stars. He seems to love that. But I won’t because I’m too lazy.
a great app but what has of the features in the gadget…?
Keep in mind, this App takes about 20 seconds to save an image and if you hit the Home button before the image is fully saved, you’ll loose the image. It has useful features but takes more time to save an image vs. only a few seconds for the stock Camera app. 99 cents aren’t that bad for a useful app.
camera zoom will just about do what you need and it wont take as long… and if you want to customize ur picture simply do it later with iflashready
Just use snapture
The app does not take 20 seconds to save a picture on the 3GS. It happens about as fast as the regular camera.