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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Free |
Backgrounder, a hack that allows applications to run in the background, has been updated to version svn.r432 (and svn.r436). The new version actually makes a decent amount of changes to the hack (full change log below).
The overall settings of the app have changed… including more description about each setting… which is nice.
In the Global option of the settings, you will find quite a few more features including the ability to choose the type of Backgrounding Method (Off, Native and Backgrounder), choose the Backgrounding State (Enable at Launch or Stay Enabled – previously Backgrounding Persists), the ability to turn on a Status Bar Icon and the options to Fallback to Native and Minimize on Toggle.
All settings can now be set per-application using a new option in the settings called Overrides (this replaces the previous “Application-specific” option). You are able to add applications to the Override option and then choose specific settings for that particular application. If you have an application in the Overrides option, it will override the settings in the Global option.
The Control and Documentation options in the settings are basically the same as the precious version.
Another new feature is the ability to reset all the settings. This can be done with the Reset button on the top right of the main settings page. Check out the change log below for the rest of the new features and bug fixes.
svn.r436 Change Log:
* svn.r436 FIX: Old iPod settings were not correctly converted to new format.
svn.r432 Change Log:
* svn.r432 MOD: Major reworking of preferences
* All settings can now be set per-application (by creating an “override”).
* “Backgrounding Persists” has been renamed to “Stay Enabled”.
* The former blacklisting option is now acheived by creating an override and setting “Backgrounding method” to “Native”.
* The former always-enabled option is now acheived by creating an override and enabling both “Enable at Launch” and “Stay Enabled”.
* MOD: Preferences app now supports iPad-mode (Portrait only).
* NEW: Prevent apps such as Safari from backgrounding by setting “backgrounding method” to Off.
* Most people will want to do this via an override, as global settings would affect *all* apps.
* NEW: Button to reset settings to default values.
* NEW: Option to show a backgrounding status indicator in the status bar.
* NEW: “Minimize on Toggle” option; disable to prevent current app from minimizing when enabling/disabling backgrounding.
* NEW: “Fallback to Native” option; disable to force even apps such as Mail, Phone, Safari and iPod to quit on minimize when backgrounding state is disabled.
* FIX: Fixed support for modifying badge via WinterBoard.
* File to theme is Backgrounder_Badge.png in the com.apple.springboard bundle.
* FIX: Fixed iPad badge position.
* Badge origin is {-12, 39} for iPhone/iPod, {-12, 53} for iPad.
I was always the first to say that it wasn’t really necessary running things on the background on the iphone, but BOY is it nice having this on the ipad. I can keep Remote Desktop connections alive while I go get something from my email, or bounce back and forth really fast between a book I’m reading and an outlining app. I’m so glad for the jailbreaking community!
Is there a switcher that works already? ( not that going home and back takes that long )
I think it’s necessary on the iPhone…especially with how long Cydia takes to load up. but maybe it is better on the iPhone XL….
theres a great switcher i love….proswitcher….seen the palm pre multitasking switcher? like that….great thing is it works in conjunction with backgrounder… :D
Does pro switcher work on the ipad?
After the update I cant take the badges off, they always show even if i turn them off. FML
I don’t seem to have that problem. However, I usually change the default backgrounder icon to a more pleasant to the eye .png. But no matter what I do the image will no longer change. The default image seems permanently stuck no matter what I do.
Doug is having that same problem with not being able to change the badge image. If we figure it out… I will let you know.
I figured it out. Go into overrides and disable the badges for every app individually.
Does this affect the battery life in any way???