Available In: App Store | Price: $9.99 |
Watch “Brothers in Arms” from your iPhone or iPod Touch (YouTube)
Link to written article of Brothers in Arms
Learn how to use, hack and mod the Apple iPhone, iPad & iPod touch
Available In: App Store | Price: $9.99 |
Watch “Brothers in Arms” from your iPhone or iPod Touch (YouTube)
Link to written article of Brothers in Arms
Available In: App Store | Price: $9.99 |
I was really excited to see a top notch FPS (first person shooter) in the app store. Of course the first thing I wanted to know is how well did the controls work and was it worth the $9.99. When I downloaded it there were no reviews in the App Store on the iPhone and the site I found it on just announced it’s release and did actually review the game play. The download is pretty big (81.6MB) so it takes a few minutes to install even over wifi. I later found some reviews in iTunes on my computer about a problem I was having. The app would just open and just stick on my wallpaper. A lot of people were blaming it on the jailbreak and others said the permissions were set wrong. I decided to go the permissions route since I didn’t want to disable Winterboard. I went to /private/var/mobile/Applications/ and sorted the folders by most recently changed. The top one was this app. You can tell ’cause it will have a subfolder called BIA.app. I changed the folder and subfolder’s permissions to 0755. IT WORKED! I closed the app to reopen it so I could get screenshots of the intros and then the app didn’t work again. I was really frustrated! While I was trying to figure out what to do the app loaded. It seems it just took a few seconds to load. Now the app works fine. [Read more…]
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