Ok, I think you are safe to install iSolitaire now! The quick update to version 0.81 fixes the bug that did not allow a new deal. After updating to 0.81 I was able to select a New Deal with no issues. The Options menu still only has the default theme but, other then that it seems to be working normally on both 1.1.1 and 1.1.3. If you are on 1.1.3…install away…if you are on any other version (1.1.2 and below) I would say there is no need to update, version 0.81 does not add any new features and actually takes away the ability to change the theme. [Read more…]
iCrossword 0.2
iCrossword has been updated to work with 1.1.3. The developer created version 0.2 of iCrossword on an iPhone running 1.1.3 (jailbroke using ZiPhone) and does not guarantee that it will work on any other version but, I am running it on 1.1.1 and it seems to be working perfectly. I can open all my previously added puzzles, use all the settings properly and add new puzzles (adding them to the var/root/Applications/Library/iCrossword/puz folder). So, if you have already installed iCrossword on an iPhone running a version other than 1.1.3 [Read more…]
iSolitare 0.8
Hold off on updating iSolitaire. The update to version 0.8 is supposed to make the app compatible with 1.1.3 however, there are a few bugs. The first thing I noticed is that when you go into the Settings and select theme…only the default theme shows up. But, all three themes are in the folder when I looked at the app via SSH. I tried moving some things around and changing the permission but, I couldn’t get the other themes to show up in the app. Then, I realized that if you select New Deal in the Settings the app will just go blank… [Read more…]