Listen Update Beta-06

Listen There is another update to Listen in the through the Ste Packaging source. The only change made to the app is that it will now tell you if the server is down or if it just couldn’t find your song. Here is the screenshot:

Listen Update Beta-06

Listen Update Beta-05

Listen Listen has an update in the through the Ste Packaging source. This is a great update! Almost everything I wanted to see with an update! The first thing you will notice is there is a new icon! The app itself also has a new look! When the app opens, it no longer starts immediately instead, you tap the screen when you are ready to record. While it is taking the five second recording…the screen says, Hold iPhone to Music. When it is done recording it will tell you that it is contacting the server. If it is able to find the song…it will give you the same information that it previously did (title of the song, the artist and the album). However, now you will notice the option to Send Note in the upper left corner…this will open an email and automatically drop in all the info about the song into the email and you can just email it to yourself! If you do not want to email the info you can touch the screen to find another song. Another great part of the update is that if it does not find the song it says, Song Not Found…and gives you the option to touch the screen to try to find another song! A very good update!! Still missing the iTunes thing…but maybe we will see it in the next update. :) Here are the screenshots:

Listen Update Beta-05 Listen Update Beta-05 Listen Update Beta-05
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New App – Listen

Listen Listen is a SWEET new app available in the through the Ste Packaging source. The purpose of the app is to identify songs that are playing. So, if there is a song playing and you are like…Dude, I like this song, I wonder what it is…just open this app and it will tell you! (well, most of the time). As soon as you open the app it begins taking a five second recording of the song that is playing. You will then get a screen that says…”Finished recording. Contacting info server.” If it finds the song in the database, it will give you the name of the song, the artist and the title of the album. If it cannot find the song in the database it just stays on the screen “Finished recording. Contacting info server.” If this happens you have to close and reopen the app to try another song. This app is still in beta mode…but, it has major potential! I did find that [Read more…]