The update to LocateMe is pretty sweet! Now when you open the app, and it starts searching for your location, it tells you everything it is doing like…connecting, obtaining cell info and how many times it has tried, how many cell towers it found, how many cell towers it is using to find your location…and a few other things but it was going too fast and I couldn’t read them all!! Once it has found your location it will tell you how many cell towers it is using to find your location and it now tells you what Country you are in and what cell network it is using to find your location. There is also a bunch of information about the cell towers that are being used…I have absolutely no idea what the information means but, if you do, it is there for you! I personally am having some issues with this app since the update… [Read more…]
LocateMe Update 0.5
LocateMe Update 0.4
The update to LocateMe version 0.4 makes a few changes to the app. It is available in the through the Soneso Repository source. One change is that the description of the app that is displayed on the main screen is slightly different. Also, the white bar where the longitude and latitude coordinates used to be displayed is gone and the coordinates are now display towards the middle of the screen along with some other new info about your location. Where it used to display your coordinates it now [Read more…]
LocateMe 0.3
LocateMe is an app that locates your current position and then puts it into Google Maps. The app opens to the main screen…if it finds your location you will see the coordinates in lower part of the screen, if it can’t find your location it says Failed. Just tap Show in Map to open your location in Google Maps. You can then scroll in or out or tap the blue arrow next to the coordinates to get directions, bookmark the location, create a contact or add it to an existing contact. The app is pretty accurate…though I have only tried it in one location. This app is available in the through the Soneso Repository source. Below are the screenshots:

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