BeenThere is a social networking application that allows you to geotag photos and send them to When you open the application, you will get the main menu where you will find the options; Title, Message, Picture, Tags and GeoLoc. I’m not why the menu is in the order it is…it seems as thought you would want to take the picture first so that you can then write the Title and Message. I would start with the Picture option. Here you are able to snap a photo, just hold your iPhone up and tap on Take Picture. The only issue I have with this feature is that the Cancel button does not work. So, if you have already taken a picture and you accidentally hit the Picture option you either have to re-take the photo or close the application…either way you lose the picture you previously took.
Once you have taken your picture, you will be brought back to the main menu where you can then add a Title and a Message to the image. You can also tag the photo however, the only tag available at this time is Private. Next, you can add the geolocation to your Photo. To do this, just tap the GeoLoc option. It will locate you and then it will show your latitude/longitude coordinates. There is also a Settings button where you can enter your Key. Once you have everything the way you would like it, tap Post. Your photo will then show up on The pictures you take in BeenThere will not show up in your Camera Roll.
Honestly, I’m not big on website ( On the website, you are able to view the images that are being uploaded, see a map of where the images are geotagged from, select and image and see all of it’s information. But, it doesn’t seem to work properly, I’m not sure if the website is not working or if you have to sign into your Google account in order to view most of it. BeenThere is available through the Trivalware source.
Love your website! here is my upload…