I just realized that we have never done a review of NavizonGPS. So, here is a full review of the application. NavizonGPS is “a wireless positioning system that works a little bit like a GPS, only that it uses Cellular Towers and Wifi access points instead of satellites. In addition to being a wireless position system, Navizon offers cool features like the Directions, Buddy finder, Geotags and many more.”
When you first open NavizonGPS, after installing it, you will need to set-up an account. You will get a pop-up with the options to select Ok to set-up an account or to select Cancel if you already have an account. If you select Ok, it will open a browser in which you can register for an account. After you have created your account, you can go back to the application on your SpringBoard. This time when you open the application, select Cancel. This will bring you to the main menu.
You will want to select the Account button in the upper right corner. Here you can enter your username and password. Once you have everything entered, select Done in the upper left corner. This will bring you to the main menu.
Here you will see the options; Locate Me Now, Enable Navizon Bar Plugin for Maps, Enable Buddy Tracking and Enable Locate-by-SMS. The Locate Me Now Option will locate your current position and then automatically open it in Google Maps. I find this application to be very accurate for me!
The Navizon Bar Plugin for Maps option will add a custom Navizon tool bar to your Google Maps. The tool bar allows you to launch the Navizon application by selecting the tool icon, search for your Buddies by selects the icon with two people on it and start the GPS (moving location) by selecting the Play icon. The GPS option will update your location every 15 seconds. To pause the moving location options, tap the pause icon. The Navizon tool bar will show up in Google Maps all the time, not just when launching Google Maps from Navizon. You can minimize the tool bar by tapping on the very right of it. To maximize it, tap it again.
The Tracking for Buddies and Alerts Option allows you to appear visible to your buddies. Which means, if you turn Appear Visible on, and one of your buddies selects search for buddies on their iPhone, you will show up in Google Maps on their iPhone. Only people you have approved as buddies are able to view your location and only when you have that option turned on. It is the same if you search for buddies on your iPhone, it will only display the location of your buddies who currently have Appear Visible turned on.
The Locate-by-SMS is a very cool feature. When enabled, it allows you to send a text to your iPhone that contains a keyword and it will send a text back with the current location of your iPhone. To set it up, you will need to turn Locate-by-SMS on and then you will need to enter a keyword into the Keyword section. You do not want it to by a common word because if someone sends you a text with that word in it, it would send them back a text with your current location in it. So, you want it to be a keyword you would only uses with the purpose of finding your iPhone. This is a great feature for if you have lost your iPhone or if you iPhone has been stolen or even to check up on your kids!! :) See Demo Video below.
Once you have everything set-up in the menu, you can select Locate Me Now. Every time you open Navizon, it will automatically Locate your current position. You can stop it by selecting the Cancel option in the upper right corner of the launch page. You can also have it automatically bring you to the Directions feature in Google Maps by selecting the Directions option in the lower left corner. It will locate current position and put those coordinates in the start field and you can then enter where you would like the directions to end. There is also one more option on the Locate Me Now launch page and that is Buddies. If you select Buddies it the lower left corner, it will locate your current location in Google Maps as well as all your Buddies.
Back in the main menu of the application, you can set-up your full account and get a lot more information by selecting the Account option and then the Manage Account on the Web option. NavizonGPS is available through the Ste Packaging source.
Demo Video of Locate-by-SMS feature:
Watch “Locate-by-SMS” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Will this work if Wi-Fi is disabled on the device? I’m not sure if this feature will work well since it probably doesn’t actually pinpoint your exact location.
I know in my area its always at least 2 miles off which doesn’t bother me just because even using the maps pinpoint feature its always off, but the only reason i got it was so if i lost my phone i could text myself to find where it was unfortunatly its a little unaccurate for that
I find it very accurate downtown because it has too many cell towers and outdoor units but inaccurate in open areas
it was off one mile off for me…lol
make that 2.3 miles off exactly…well i am using an itouch and only wifi…but it should be able to locate me through my ip adress, just like maps has the current position feature which is exact.
you guys gotta review agile messenger i just saw it in installer. its a multi client instant messaging app it looks pretty sweet.
Working on a Video Review right now :)
yea its a little bit off for me too.
The ‘locate by text message” feature has never worked for me. I’ve tried it from two different phones and nothing happens after the text is received on my phone. Anyone else having this happen?