Date & Time WinterBoard Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Date & Time is a WinterBoard mod that adds the current date and time to the StatusBar on your iPhone or iPod Touch. I’m not exactly sure why you would need this mod because the time is already on your statusbar and the date is on the Calendar icon. But, if you are looking to see the date and time with one glance…this might just be the mod for you. I did find that if you are using an app that has statusbar notifications, it can overlap the notification depending on how many you have. You can get this mod via the iSpazio source.

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  1. weird but i guess some people would want it…

  2. DJContagious says


  3. it works well with a leapord theme, or for someone who turns off the calender display

  4. I liked the idea but didn’t show in apps like safari, so I might as well close out and look at the calender. There was an update for it yesterday do maybe it fixed that?

  5. There is also an Iglass time widget that puts the time in the bottom right corner of your springboard through winterboard.

  6. cant find this in iSpazio source. Any help?

  7. iphonejunky says

    you should also note it doesnot work with other least not mine..i have stereo’s leopard and when i use this that theme goes away..its a known bug that the developer says will be fixed

  8. Tried it, but a) it slowed my iPhone down and b) it doesn’t show in all screens, so uninstalled it. Pity…

    • iphonejunky says

      hmm i didnt notice any slow downs..but it does seem to vanish in certain long as their working on it i’m still interested

  9. As the developer of this mod, I was not aware iSpazio released it to the public. It was not ready for consumption due to the following issues:

    1. There is no way to set the z-index and make it stay on top of other apps
    2. It will not move over to accomodate Notifier icons
    3. It is only able to be editted by SSHing into your device and having an understanding of Javascript and HTML

    I asked iSpazio to remove it until mods can be finalized

  10. Also, I was not given proper credit for creating it. Not even this article credited me when it clearly has the name ‘Duckie’ (supposed to be therealduckie) on it in Cydia

    • iphonejunky says

      wow man sorry to here that..well let me say this is a great addition and once the comments you mentioned above get implemented it will be the bomb…anyway..thank you for taking the time and effort to create something for all of us to enjoy..please keep up the good work!

  11. It does NOT update the date,i still have the same date as 2 days ago.
    I have to restart to update.
    Waiting for the update to fix this bugs.