Doodles (simple drawing application) Upate – Version 1.1-1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Doodles I do not normally write about updates to applications but, I was impressed with how quickly an update for Doodles was released and with the features it fixed/changed!

If you remember from my initial review of Doodles, there were a few issue with the ability to change the background once you had selected it. In the previous version of the application, if you used a photo as the background, you were unable to change it. Well, with this version, that has been fixed. You can now change the background no matter what it is.

I also mentioned that it would be nice to have a few options when it came to erasing objects in the doodle. This has also been implemented. When you select the Trash option, you now get a pop-up with the options to; Cancel (erase nothing), erase just the drawing, erase just the background or erase everything. This is a awesome improvement!! I did find one small bug and that is if you choose to erase everything, the background does not erase until you select another option on the lower menu bar…then it will erase. It is a small bug and not a huge concern.

I still cannot see my saved drawing on my iPhone. I can see them on my computer when I plug my iPhone in via USB but, I cannot see them on my iPhone itself. However, this could just be an issue with my iPhone or not a universal problem.

Oh, I did noticed that if you double tap on the screen, the menu bars will disappear and you can see/draw in the full drawing area!

Overall, a very nice update.


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