Cydia Update 1.0.2684-40

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Cydia I was surprised to open Cydia and see any update for Cydia itself! The update to version 1.0.2684-40 of Cydia does make some nice changes to the application.

The first change I noticed was that when you select an application in Cydia, there have been a few changes to the look of the package Details page. The first change you will notice is that the icon, title of the app and version of app are now at the top of the page. Below this, there is now a new option; Change Package Settings. This option allows you to turn on/off Show All Changes. It says that the Changes option (on the lower menu bar) will only show upgrades to installed packages however, you can turn on Show All Changes for any application that you do not have installed to see any changes made to it as well. The other new addition to the package details page is nice new icons next to each section! Which I think look great!!

The second major change I noticed is that in the Manage option (on the lower menu bar) the long awaited Storage option is now available! When selected, you will get information about your System storage and your Private storage. The System storage information will show you how much of your iPhone OS partition is Used and Free. The Private storage information will not only show you how much space you have left on this partition but, breaks it down so you can see the percentage of space things like Themes, iTunes, App Store, Photos are taking up.

I did not see the addition of the rumored App Rating ability…maybe in the next update!

Overall, I also noticed that Cydia seems to run much faster. I specifically noticed that it is much faster when loading the package detail pages. Below are some before and after screenshots as well as screenshots of the new Storage section.

Let me know in the comments if you noticed any other changes.


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  1. Yesssss Storage finally!!

  2. This is great! I’ve been waiting for an update! Storage is a really nice feature to have. I always wonder how much space all of my themes and such are taking up on my 16GB. The overall speed and performance of cydia has improved in my opinion. I am a daily user and I can definitely notice a difference in package details load time, which was my biggest and only really frustration with previous versions.

  3. Great job Saurik, thanks for all the effort you put into it. Storage is a nice add on, and overall cydia is getting better and better..

    Happy new year from Argentina!.

  4. they actually enhanced the cydia icon as well.

    more alpha around the edges.

  5. question i noticed your system storage is 2g i only have 500 M and only 11% is free is there anything i can do to get more space there?

  6. How did you get 2g in system space on your phone???! I have only 500m.

  7. Da187suspect says

    Dumb question but how do I get this update?

  8. yeah try that

    • Da187suspect says

      Worked perfectly. Thanks Chong, much appreciated. Happy New Years to y’all. Make sure to drink LOTS.

    • no problem same to you, and happy new year to all.

    • I still cannot see this upgrade. I tryed to reinstall the Cydia GUI package, but nothing happened. Is there anything to do with my localization (Brazil)?

  9. Nice … nice … very chill =)

  10. iambored8907 says

    He also seemed to change the way Cydia checks for updates. It used to take me about 60 seconds to check for updates now it takes about 15 seconds, and another 15~20 seconds to show updates. I am guessing it checks for Cydia updates first, then any extra sources.

  11. Check out the featured apps layout now too. I like all the changes I’ve seen so far.

  12. Who needs all the rubbish from the Apple store when Cydia offers the greatest of all! Thanks a lot for a fantastic job.

  13. someone already ask this question but I dont think anybody answered…!! how do you change the system storage? mine it says 500M. How come yours is 2G? how can I change that?

    • You may do that with the PwnTool (not the quick one), but I cannot see why would it be necessary…

  14. wow great update ^^

    reminds me when installer used to dominate, but not anymore, cydia has now just completely blown installer out for 2.x

    • I completely disagree. Cydia sure needs installation queue and background installation. Installer has both and work great, but has much less packages