FiveIrows – Five Rows of Icons on your SpringBoard (six counting the dock icons)

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

FiveIrows I know many of you are patiently waiting the release of the FCSB (which has technically been released in Cydia just not by the actual developer). Well, while you wait, you could try out the FiveIrows mod. This mod allows for five rows of icons (technically six if you count the icons in the dock).

When installed, it will automatically adjusts your icons so that you are able to fit five rows on your SpringBoard. It also adds a theme to WinterBoard called FiveIRows Page Dots which will also adjust your page dots to fit better with the five rows of icons. I also noticed that when installed, it stops your icons from wiggling when in “move” mod. Not a huge issue but, reminds me of a lot of other mods of this type…they all seem to stop the wiggling.

FiveIRows cannot be activated/deactivated via WinterBoard. As soon as you install it, it is initiated. When uninstalled, it removes the FiveIrows mod and the FiveIRows Page Dots theme from Cydia. I also found that when I uninstalled the mod, it nicely moved the icons that were in my “fifth” row to another page. I was a little nervous about what was going to happen when I uninstalled the app and didn’t move the icons off the fifth row (I feared that they were going to be deleted!). But, to my surprise…it handled it very well…the icons were just moved to a free space on my SpringBoard. I will be honest, I haven’t done a ton of testing of this mod but, from what I have tested so far…it seems to work nicely.

This mod is available through the Touch-Mania source which can be added through Cydia.

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  1. This is gud!

  2. Cool mod, I have just started using the FCSB from the original developer (via SSH not Cydia) because I filled three pages of games and the other pages with other stuff.

  3. I wonder if it will work with FCSB.

  4. Does this work with 5 column springboard?

  5. It sure does! Now I need to find a theme with smaller icons/and or smaller fonts. Any suggestions?

  6. If someone can host a pic, I’ll email it to them. Let me know.

  7. yes! it will work with FCSB :)


  8. this is a gr8 app! I always was wondering how to reduce the space occupied on my one and only home screen (even after using Categories and Stack) without losing any more icons….and FiveIrows was the answer! im not interested in FCSB since it will not increase the free horizontal space available from the bottom (after the dock) but FiveIrows did the trick. Now my vWallpaper theme looks gr8 on the springboard. Thanx Brooke for this gr8 find/review.

  9. hey can i gt the wiggling back??

  10. haha and people complained about the “crowded look” with the FCSP!! :D

  11. This is great! Now if only there was some way that we could get the rotating icons with this…

  12. i just copy from this forum go ask the guy there :P

  13. A simple way to change a font size on the Sprinboad is to load the Font Colors theme from Cydia and edit the info plist for any particular color.

    Clearly this will need to SSH.

    i. e. BlackFont.theme

    Change the font size for the required element.

    i.e UndockedIconlabelStyle from 13px to 11px (or whatever is required).

    Note that colour may be changed as well

  14. ya, that’s a cool theme…. Can you please let us know

    dissin reply on February 15th, 2009:

    what is that theme you have? look really smart

  15. Had to remove this mod from my iPhone due to the massive power drain that i noticed.

    Has anybody else noticed the big drain?

  16. Sorry dont know if that was a positive response or a response that says i should have kept my mouth shut about the major power drain?

  17. So this app drains the power?
    How bad? Does anyone know why?

  18. Any responses about how/why this mod could drain power? I can’t fathom why it would.

  19. sebastian says

    in my ipod touch dosn’t work with firmware 2.2.1

  20. lupita Gonzalez says

    five row doesnt work ! a pushed notes (is the only icon i have in 5 row) and doestnt work, and also is slower than normally, what should I do thank you!! :)”too nice to be true”

    • Mine dont work either. All I ended up with was a huge My3g icon! I dont know what Im doing wrong but I have never been able to get 5 icons. I had more space between last row and home row but nothing would stick there and going across…all I EVER have is 4.

  21. The nwest version does work !!!!!!

  22. Sadly this mod is not working for me but that’s probably cuz I have os4.