Five-Column SpringBoard Update – Supports 3.0 Firmware

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Five-Column SpringBoard Today the Five-Column SpringBoard (FCSB) mod was updated to version 0.57 (and 0.57-1). The update does a few cool things; it makes the mod compatible with both 2.2.x and 3.0 firmware and it also moves the enable/disable toggle into the stock Setting application instead of creating an icon on the SpringBoard…which I really like! Below is the the change log for both the 0.57 and the 0.57-1 updates.

To toggle the FCSB mod, just open your stock Settings application and select the Five-Column SB option. You can then choose to enable or disable the mod. Which ever you do, it will respring your SpringBoard. I had no problem when I tested the update on firmware 3.0…it worked perfectly. You can get the FCSB mod via the Ste Packaging source. [Read more…]

SixRows – Six Rows on Your SpringBoard (Seven Counting the Dock)

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## SixRows is a mod that allows you to have six rows of icons on your SpringBoard. Technically it is seven rows of icons if you include the dock. There is currently already a mod that allows you to have five rows of icons (six including the dock) called FiveIrows. There is also another mod allowing for five columns on your SpringBoard called FCSB. So, I guess SixRows just gives you one more option for modding your iPhone or iPod Touch exactly they way you would like it.

When you install SixRows, your device will respring and you will instantly have six (seven) rows on your SpringBoard. This mod can not be activated/deactivated via WinterBoard. Also, because the SixRows mod really squishes your icons together, it does not display the icon titles (they are overlapped by the next row of icons). So, unless the theme is designed specifically for the SixRows mod, you will probably want to turn your icon labels off via WinterBoard. [Read more…]

FiveIrows – Five Rows of Icons on your SpringBoard (six counting the dock icons)

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

FiveIrows I know many of you are patiently waiting the release of the FCSB (which has technically been released in Cydia just not by the actual developer). Well, while you wait, you could try out the FiveIrows mod. This mod allows for five rows of icons (technically six if you count the icons in the dock).

When installed, it will automatically adjusts your icons so that you are able to fit five rows on your SpringBoard. It also adds a theme to WinterBoard called FiveIRows Page Dots which will also adjust your page dots to fit better with the five rows of icons. I also noticed that when installed, it stops your icons from wiggling when in “move” mod. Not a huge issue but, reminds me of a lot of other mods of this type…they all seem to stop the wiggling. [Read more…]