Ok, so I have a really bad habit of taking photos and screenshots (mostly screenshots) and then leaving them in my Camera Roll instead of deleting them off my iPhone once I copy them to my computer. On a side note: I blame this on Apple and the fact that my iPhone crashes almost every time I try to delete images from the Camera Roll…so, I stopped trying! Well, it has finally caught up to me.
Actually, it has been catching up to me for a while now but, I finally couldn’t take it any more. Apparently my iPhone does not like to load 1,262 images…it was taking three minutes and usually a few refreshes for the Camera Roll thumbnails to show up on my computer! So, I broke down and decided to delete all of the images out of my Camera Roll…well, I have found that it does not like trying to delete 1262 images either. So, after multiple crashes, I did what I always do when I cannot get my iPhone to work properly and I’m utterly frustrated…I handed it to Doug! :) He is still trying to get them to delete off my iPhone!!
Lesson Learned: Delete images from your Camera Roll once you have moved them to your computer (or you might never be able to delete them!)!
P.S. How many images do you have in your Camera Roll?
lol i have 800 pictures in my camera roll and i never have a problem with crashing and stuff. (just load abit long) My quicktip for you is to download something from CYDIA called ….hmmm i think cameraroll something, you can have multiple camera roll album and stuff it’s pretty cool.
It’s called SwapCameraRoll. Do you know if you choose where the pics are saved. Like a option in Settings.
An easy way to access the Camera Roll (fro deletion or copy or anything you like) is DiskAid!
Look: http://www.digidna.net/products/diskaid/user-guides/other
(Works with videos also!!)
i imported pictures from my mac laptop into my iphone but now i cant delete them i need help do u now what i can do to erase them off my iphone
No screenshot? lol. I had around 500 before I got my 3G, now I only have 88.
Apple really should add a “Delete all photos from Camera Roll” for example to the Settings, where you can reset your homescreen layout, keyboard dictionary, etc. however, as this does not affect your Photo Library, maybe they could implement the same way to handle the thumbnails for the camera roll just as it with the photo library, some on-the-fly thumbnail creation when taking the actual picture. maybe we will have it in any upcoming firmware…
Why not just SSH into your iPhone and delete them that way. Download a bunch (or if you use CyberDuck you can use QuickLook) to see which image is which. This won’t crash you phone and will be WAY faster.
You can always delete them via CLI. Either with SSH or MobileTerminal or something like that.
Can’t you delete photos through your PC? ;/
That is what was crashing my iPhone…trying to delete them via a computer.
I have the same problem Brooke has (3G 2.2) I remember just pressin’ delete on my computer and I all of a sudden heard the respring sound on my phone. It literally took 5 mins to respring, then it rebooted =X
why dont ya just ssh and delete that way
722 photos :D :D :D I have a same habbit you have :D
It’s a bad, nasty habit…quit while you can!! :)
I always backuping them to my pc, and after that I am making upgrade to iphones FW, so there remains no photos till next upgrade/restore… :D
i never have over 100 on mine :P
I’ve just about given up taking pics with the iPhone. The results are always disappointing. Time for an upgrade, Apple ! Can anyone say 5 megapixels?
Probably too late now, but couldn’t you just delete them via SSH?
I have 2822 pictures in 11 folders. It’s simple to copy to your computer and delete from the iphone (with SSH), put in a folder iTunes is monitoring and sync back. No problems, no lags.
Now a side note, I’m not convinced the sync’d photos are the same resolution and quality as the originals. During the sync, iTunes does a lot of processing on the newly added pictures. However, I am satisfied with the quality and responsiveness.
Oooo….I didn’t even count the rest of my folders…I will have to see how many I have with all the folders combine! I had 3220 images if I counted all eight folders.
And, that is exactly what I did…copied them to my computer and then deleted them via SSH.
Yeah this blows . . . APPLE are you listening?!! Add a DELETE all photos on camera roll button!!!! This is crazy . . copy paste delete one at a time blah blah . . we already downloaded once and moved to our folders we want to keep . . we dont need 1000 photos in camera roll that requires us to be comp geeks to delete or take 4 hours to delete one at a time. bad desgin
2000 then del
1152 and counting :)
I suggest using an application called “PhoneView”. It costs a fee, but there are always ways around that. ;)
It’s useful for photos, SMS, contacts, and just about everything you can put on your phone.
Warning: it can be a bit buggy at times, but not too much overall.
I have 6, yay!!!
SSH into the file and delete it via your WinSCP. Should work perfectly.
Why not just ‘rm -rf *’ (without the quotes) in the dir containing your pics?
I’m pretty sure its like ~/Media/DCIM or something similar.
why not connect iPhone to you PC/MAC delete it from there?
Easy way to transer/delete photos form your camera roll.. connect usb, adn load up ‘Image Capture’ then you can quickly view/delete/copy pictures from Phone to mac or vice versa… or if using a PC, just go to ‘My computer’ and select your phone, then you can easily view/delete pictures that wasy too! g/l!
I will delete them tomorrow :-/
I have an iPod Touch, so I only have 24 :D
Just delete camera roll and and install it again. That should fix the problem. :)
How do u delete camera roll of ur iphone and install it again? Do u need to get on a computer to do it?
Try iFunbox (http://i-funbox.com/). Has an easy to use GUI which I prefer over SSHing into my iPhone.
You Can Save Pictures On The iPhone???
None in Camera Roll, why should i?
I tranfer the pics each sync to iPhoto, delete then from camera roll, sort em in iPhoto in to differnt folders and transfer em back via sync to the photos app..
That is the way it is meant to be..
At the moment i have 1640 Photos on the iphone..
delete images via SSH could be an option on jailbroken iPhones.
but what if you are a “legit” user without any hacks on your phone? means no jailbreak and stuff. deleting more than 100 pictures one-by-one is pain…
Just one more reason to remove Apple’s artificial restrictions. It’s my phone, paid good $$ for it, and I’ll do with it what I want. :)
If u have a mac, best way to copy and delete pictures are by using iPhoto. It treats ur iphone as a camera and u can copy all and delete some or all. I use it all the time, and quality is usually the same. It take some time to transfer, load or delete but get the job done :)
Hello, I only have like 20 pics and I delete it every time, but there’s something that I haven’t been able to do since day one, no matter the firmware version… my iphone always crashes when I try to add a picture to a contact by taking a picture through the contact edit page, I have to take the pic with camera app and then assign an already saved picture to the contact. So far my phone is the only one I know with this problem. :(
little bit off:
so when 2.1.1 jb is out I restore,update and rejailbreak my iPhone and now i can’t take picture with the camera (screenshot, save pic from safari also won’t work)! I tried to fix it with SwapCameraRoll and some kind of SSH-ing but the problem is still on!
can somebody help me what should i do? except restore etc because that is the last thing that I want to do!
Hah … I have just over 3100 photos in mine, and it doesn’t miss a beat. It’s fast & easy to use. I must admit I do use the old “Image Capture” application on the mac (you’ll have to search for it) to manage the photos on my iPhone.
This app allows you to selectively download and delete photos from your iPhone
When I had my iphone the most I had was about 150-200 but I have a iPod touch 2g now :)
Just download the pictures again into iPhoto (all photos even duplicates) and then select “Delete Originals” after they all import. Done deal. You do have to go back into iPhoto and delete the last import but it’s much faster then having to download another program.
For non-Mac users…
1. Connect the iPhone to the computer
2. Launch Microsoft Camera & Scanner Wizard
3. Select the images you want removed from your Camera Roll
4. Click Continue
5. Check “remove images from device after copy”
6. Click Continue. After transferring the images to your computer, it removes them from the Camera Roll!
Hint: To get the “remove images from device after copy” option, I deselected all images, selected ONE image, clicked Continue, was given the option to check the remove from device, then clicked “Back” and clicked “select all” images. All were then copied and removed. Without this workaround, I never reached the delete from device option.
Using a PC (not a Mac) how do I create additional folders on my iPhone… so I can ‘sort’ my pictures?
Three-thousand Twenty Six (3,026) in my Camera Roll… I have taken some of the best pictures with this go-anywhere shoot anything camera! Even framed some to 13″x19″ poster frames which no one can believe are photos from an iphone!
I have 2931. I’m afraid to delete them because if iPhones odd syncing with my luck it’ll delete them off my pc like it did with my contacts. :)
This is the easy one.
use uTunePhoto to clean it up, this is a link…
(iPhone 3.0) http://www.mangaware.com/Download/uTunePhotos/uTunePhotosSetup.zip
(iPhone 1.x-2.x)
So just to be clear restoring your iphone can be done thru the phone itself you dont need a computer? Like you go to settings, reset then reset all settings which deletes everything on ur phone?
use the image capture application on a mac (comes installed). took 30 seconds to delete what i wanted (1200+ photos) from the camera roll. finally.
Iphone 3G 16gb 7600 before i started deleting them, backing up was taking ages, lol, a lot quicker now down to 1000
I had almost 5000 before I finally copied them to my PC and deleted them. Definitely speeds up the backup process!
Here’s the best way using just a Mac.
1. Go to Finder… Type “Image Capture” select… Filename… It’s the first First Icon.
2. Make sure your iphone is plugged in… and turn on the Camera app.
3. The iPhone should show up in the Image Capture on your Mac.
4. Then select all the photos and delete.
Hope that helps.
How do I create a second (3rd, 4th, etc) Camera Roll ?
Crap I have 1,871 pics and 172 vids!!!!
I can really not understand yet the deletion process. I have taken a picture, which goes directly to the “camera roll” and this is fine. Then I have moved the picture to another folder, which in matter effect it replicates the picture and it also keeps the picture in the “camera roll”. Then I have tried to delete from, the “camera roll” to have the picture only at one place and I get a message asking if I want to delete from everywhere else. But I just want to have the pictures in one place to save space and get better organized.
What am I missing?
Thank you in advance!
U think ur bad? I have over 10500 photos on my iphone and now i cant delete them and theres no room in my phone to do anything… Heeeelp! My pc also doesnt read my iphone ao im screwed big time..