iPhone 3GS Unlock Video Demo

ultrasn0w The Dev-Team has released a video demo of the iPhone 3GS unlock, ultrasn0w. Below is what they have to say and the video demo.

Here’s a brief video demonstration by @planetbeing of the iPhone Dev Team’s ultrasn0w unlock for the new iPhone 3G S. Special thanks to @Oranav for the at+xlog crash — a gift to the community that has kept on giving

Our ultrasn0w program uses the at+xlog crash as an injection vector of our unlocking payload — and it does so on the 3GS in exactly the same way as on the 3G! But this injection vector will be lost if you update to 3.1 using the official Apple IPSW, which updates the baseband. So stay away from official 3.1 IPSWs until we release the tools that let you update the firmware without updating the baseband.

Original Post.

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  1. Was he recording the video with another iPhone?

  2. The iPhone 3GS can finally be jailbroken!!!!!
    You can download the tool on purplera1n.com for windows only!!!!!